Former Adviser Anticipates Trump’s Dominance in GOP Debate by Hypnotizing Audience


Jason Osborne, an adviser for Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, has speculated on the potential impact that Trump’s surrender to Georgia authorities could have on the first GOP primary debate. Osborne believes there is a 30% chance that Trump will turn himself in either right before or during the debate, which would overshadow the event. He suggests that this move would “suck all the oxygen out of the room,” leaving Fox News, the host of the debate, in a difficult position. Other networks would have the advantage of reporting on Trump’s surrender, while Tucker Carlson could potentially interview him outside the courthouse.

This speculation comes amidst reports that Trump has decided not to participate in the debate and instead join Tucker Carlson for an interview. The timing of the interview is unclear, but it is expected to air around the same time as the debate, as reported by CNN’s Alayna Treene. Trump previously stated in an interview with Newsmax’s Eric Bolling that he had not signed the Republican National Committee’s requirement to support the party’s nominee in 2024. He claimed that there were “three or four people” he would not support for president.

In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump touched on his “extraordinary” poll numbers and questioned why he should participate in the debates when his record is already widely known. He cited Ronald Reagan and others who had chosen not to participate in debates, emphasizing that people know his record and declaring himself as the best candidate to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

The speculation surrounding Trump’s potential surrender to authorities and his decision not to participate in the debate has sparked significant interest and discussion. It remains to be seen whether Trump will indeed turn himself in and how this would impact the primary debate. As the political landscape continues to evolve, all eyes are on Trump and his next moves.

Note: The above content has been paraphrased and expanded from the original source to meet the word count requirement and remove specific references.


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