Dick Van Dyke Masters the Ukulele: Proof That It’s Never Too Late to Embrace New Passions


Dick Van Dyke, the legendary entertainer, has taken on a new talent at the age of 97. In a video posted on Instagram, Van Dyke is seen learning to play the ukulele during his “first ukulele lesson” with instructor Melanie Kareem. The video shows Van Dyke strumming along and asking his teacher for guidance. He captioned the video with the message, “It’s never too late to start something new.” Fans have praised Van Dyke in the comments, with one person saying, “Amen! I started tap dancing at age 60. I’ll never win any awards for it, but I’m having fun.” Another supporter shared their own experience, saying, “At almost 53, I feel like I’m too old to take piano lessons. Seeing you try this encourages me. You continue to bring joy into my life. Thank you.”

Despite enduring a traffic accident in March, Van Dyke appears to be in good health. He received two stitches on his chin and described feeling “sore all over,” but assured fans that he is “fine” and still “having fun.” In true comedic fashion, Van Dyke joked about the accident, saying, “The airbags did not deploy, so I just had a face plant right in the steering wheel and it just made me a little dumber.”

Dick Van Dyke’s positive attitude and determination to continue learning and trying new things serves as an inspiration to many. His fans admire his ability to stay young at heart and find joy in life, regardless of age. As one commenter put it, “You continue to bring joy into my life.” Van Dyke’s enthusiasm for life and his commitment to embracing new challenges is a reminder that it’s never too late to start something new.


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