“Expert Analysis of Republican Debate: Trump’s Absence Felt as DeSantis Fails to Steal the Show – ‘The Missing Star'”


The first Republican presidential debate took place on Wednesday night, with former President Donald Trump notably absent. The candidates on stage had an opportunity to make up ground on the frontrunner, who holds a significant lead in the polls. However, according to experts consulted by The Post, none of the candidates did enough to significantly change the dynamics of the race. Former Westchester County Executive and Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino commented, “All of the candidates were looking for a breakout moment and didn’t get it.” Astorino further emphasized the absence of Trump, comparing it to watching the Kansas City Chiefs without star quarterback Patrick Mahomes.

Among the candidates, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis entered the debate with high expectations, as he is polling second behind Trump in most national surveys. However, Astorino felt that DeSantis fell short of these expectations, saying he “hit fly balls short of the fence” and wasn’t able to deliver a standout performance. Republican political consultant Rob Ryan echoed this sentiment, noting that DeSantis didn’t seem to connect well with the audience.

On the other hand, former Sen. Alfonse D’Amato disagreed, praising DeSantis for his performance. D’Amato stated that the Florida governor was excellent, particularly in his stance against the teachers’ union and on border issues. The most polarizing candidate of the evening was Vivek Ramaswamy, who faced attacks from multiple candidates, including Chris Christie, Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley. While some thought Ramaswamy was too showy and cocky, others appreciated his energetic and attention-grabbing approach.

Despite the diverse opinions on the candidates, Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf believed that Ramaswamy was the only one who managed to avoid being boring but questioned his overall impact. Sheinkopf questioned whether someone who lifts weights and criticizes Israel is the best the Republican Party has to offer. Among the other candidates, Ryan found Nikki Haley and Mike Pence impressive, speculating that Haley might gain more support from women. Furthermore, Ryan mentioned that Pence’s steadfastness in refusing to certify the 2020 election results may lead to a rise in his popularity.

However, not all experts shared the same sentiments. D’Amato felt that Pence and Christie didn’t distinguish themselves during the debate, while Astorino considered Pence to be unexciting. Regarding the candidates not discussed by the experts, Tim Scott received praise from D’Amato for his viewpoints on the economy and a strong military.

Looking ahead to the next debate, all six of the candidates mentioned by the experts are expected to make the stage in California. The big question remains whether Donald Trump himself will join the debate and further shape the course of the Republican presidential race.


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