MLK Jr.’s daughter on dad’s ‘I have a dream’ speech: 5 Things podcast


On today’s episode of the 5 Things podcast: MLK Jr.’s daughter reflects on her father’s ‘I have a dream’ speech

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his most iconic speech on Aug. 28, 1963, in Washington, D.C. How close are we to the dream 60 years later? USA TODAY spoke with King’s daughter, Rev. Bernice King, who reflected on her father’s hope for a more just and equal future. In this powerful interview, she explores both the progress we’ve made and the challenges that we still face today. 

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Hit play on the player above to hear the podcast and follow along with the transcript below. This transcript was automatically generated, and then edited for clarity in its current form. There may be some differences between the audio and the text.


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