ChatGPT-4: 7 Incredible Features You Need to Know About


In a groundbreaking update, GPT-4 has finally embraced multimodality, bringing an array of versatile features that make it a true game-changer.

Released by OpenAI earlier this year, GPT-4 initially promised multimodal capabilities, but it took nearly six months for these features to fully emerge.

The notable update includes image and voice recognition, making GPT-4 a truly multimodal AI.

Here, we explore seven remarkable features of GPT-4 for vision that have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with AI.

  1. Object Identification: GPT-4 can accurately identify objects in images, whether they are plants, animals, characters, or random objects. It goes beyond recognition by generating detailed descriptions of the identified objects. For example, it can effortlessly pinpoint a specific plant or spot Waldo in an image without any prior descriptive prompts.
  2. Text Transcription: GPT-4 can transcribe text from images with ease. Regardless of the form of text in the image, this model can extract and convert it into readable text. An example includes transcribing medieval writings from philosopher and writer Robert Bo’s manuscript found in an image.
  3. Data Deciphering: GPT-4 possesses the ability to read and interpret various forms of data, including graphs and charts. It can infer meaningful results from the data it processes. As an example, it can summarize the performance of two models in a competitive exam based on a bar graph.
  4. Processing Multiple Conditions: GPT-4 can understand and process images with multiple conditions. For instance, it can analyze instructions in an image and provide relevant answers. In the case of asking if one can park in a specific spot on a Wednesday at 4 p.m., GPT-4 comprehends the image’s instructions and offers a suitable response.
  5. Teaching Assistant: GPT-4 can act as a virtual teacher, making it an invaluable resource for learning. Users can engage with the AI to grasp various subjects and topics. For instance, it can break down complex diagrams, like the structure of a human cell, and explain them in an easily understandable manner, as demonstrated by a ninth-grader in a tweet.
  6. Enhanced Coding: GPT-4 takes coding to the next level with its code interpretation capabilities. Users can upload an image, and the model can perform a wide range of coding-related functions. A user showcased how they converted an image into a live website in less than a minute using this remarkable feature.
  7. Design Understanding: GPT-4 showcases an impressive understanding of architectural designs. It can identify various design styles and provide custom design improvement suggestions based on user instructions. For instance, it can offer detailed recommendations to enhance the aesthetics of a room, making it a valuable tool for design enthusiasts.

The introduction of these seven incredible features in GPT-4 for vision signals a transformative shift in the capabilities of AI.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve, it’s clear that the future holds even more exciting possibilities.

GPT-4 is undoubtedly leading the way in this AI revolution.


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