France Increases Security at Belgian Border Following Brussels Attack


The French Minister for Interior Affairs, Gelad Darmanin has revealed that his government will be increasing security at the Belgian border, following an attack by an assailant in Brussels that left two Swedish nationals dead.

The Minister warned that doubling the number of security agents at the border, although there haven’t been any indicators that the attacker could be heading to France, reports.

Brussels is under high-security alert as the policemen are looking for the attacker that killed two Swedish citizens and wounded a third person – with the Belgian prime minister calling this a brutal terrorist attack.

The French President pointed out that Europe is witnessing a rise of “Islamist terrorism” and all states are threatened, while a case of an Islamist radical killing a teacher in Arras city of France was reported last week.

We saw it again yesterday in Brussels. All European states are vulnerable, and there is indeed a resurgence of Islamist terrorism. Here, we reiterate our solidarity with our Belgian friends.

<em>President Macron</em>

He also added that in the upcoming weeks, he might visit Israel, which is at war with the Islamist group Hamas after militants entered Gaza’s border fence and killed 1,300 people, who mainly were civilians,

According to President Macron, the situation between Israel and Palestine, fighting against all terrorist groups, the peace process, and the political solution are all interconnected.

The French government has also introduced more stringent measures in an effort to combat radicalism in the country. The Interior Minister yesterday said that people who are found to have radicalism on their record will be deported from France, regardless of their status.

I gave firm instructions to the prefects that any person arrested must obviously be presented before the judicial authority and in the case of people who are not of French nationality and whatever their status, we proceed with the withdrawal on more immediate of their residence permit and immediate expulsion as well.

<em>Gérald Darmanin, French Interior Minister</em>

He also pointed out that around fifty anti-Semitic acts have been recorded since the incident in Arras happened, while two or three people were arrested for radicalism accusations.

the first case was reported in the Alpes-Maritimes, where a person was arrested after driving around in front of a synagogue in Cannes, and the police revealed there was a tear gas canister in the trunk of the vehicle, while the second case was reported in Paris.

This person was claiming to be Syrian and speaking in English, who contacted the guards while wanting to enter the school synagogue in this area.


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