Germany’s Bundesrat Votes New Citizenship Law That Aims to Allow Foreigners Hold Dual Citizenship


Germany’s dual citizenship law, which aims to allow applicants to hold dual citizenship with their original nationality, has been voted through the Bundesrat.

The decision is expected to facilitate the process of acquiring citizenship in Germany for internationals living and working in this territory, reports.

Commenting on the new decision, DP member Daniela Behrens has said that a regulated migration is needed to strengthen the country’s economy, according to a report from IamExpat Media.

If we look at the worker shortage, there is no doubt that in the future, Germany has to be a land of immigration. It is obvious that we need regulated migration in order to strengthen the economy.



She stressed that local administrative bodies should not be abandoned when the law is introduced, adding that they should be given time and guidance in processing the number of citizenship applications that the country expects.

The legislative proceeding will now move into the following stage. The new citizenship law is scheduled to have its reading, with the first reading scheduled for November 9 or 10.

The debating phase, or the reading phase, is expected to have three main stages. In the first and second readings, a special committee will be designed for the bill. The committee will then be in charge of organising public hearings in order to further discuss the law and also make any recommendations in this regard.

The voting of the law will happen at the end of the third reading. The German President, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, will ask the elected politicians for their votes or abstentions. If approved, the new citizenship law will become effective from April 2024.

In order to acquire citizenship in Germany, foreign nationals are required to live in this country for a period of eight years and seven years for those who completed an integration course successfully.

Earlier this month, authorities in Germany announced that they are preparing new changes to the citizenship law, which, among others, would allow foreigners to apply for citizenship after five years of residence instead of eight.

Last year, a total of 168,500 people became German citizens, thus accounting for the most significant increase since 2022.

Nationals from Syria accounted for the largest number of naturalised people, with a total of 48,300 naturalised people.

The Federal Office of Germany said that professional achievements, special language, or civic commitments can lead to obtaining German citizenship after six years.


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