Sopore Fruit Mandi Plays Host to Highest Number of non-Native Buyers


SOPORE: In a conversation with Kashmir Life, Mudasir Ahmad, a senior executive of the Sopore Fruit Mandi said it has many hundred buyers busy procuring the apple. These include buyers from Bangladesh, Nepal and a few from Bhutan.

“We are recording nearly having of the arrivals because of low production this year,” Mudasir said. “This, however, is not impacting the interest of the buyers.” He said the Sopore fruit mandi is peculiar in a way because the rates hardly get impacted by the increase in arrivals. The mandi gets almost 180 truckloads every 24 hours, which is nearly half of what it used to get in 2022.

The mandi operates round the clock and nearly 10,000 people work in different shifts. However, the mandi is facing serious infrastructure problems which Mudasir hoped the government would take up on priority.


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