Ex-Prosecutor Spells Out In Alarming Detail What Trump’s Planning Next


Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance explained in her email newsletter why she believes that if Donald Trump wins the 2024 election: “We lose the Republic.”

“That’s not drama, and that’s not overstatement. That’s what Trump is promising,” Vance wrote Thursday in the latest installment of “Civil Discourse.”

“The writing on the wall is clear. But far too many people remain unaware of Trump’s 2025 plan, or they don’t take it seriously,” Vance warned. “People who love democracy need to make sure they do.”

Vance pointed to a new article in The Washington Post which detailed Trump’s plan to punish critics, politicize the civil service and “potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations” should he win back the White House.

“It sounds positively Stalinist,” feared Vance.

But the ideas are “not new” and “people simply aren’t paying attention,” she said. She called Trump’s plans “the stuff of a banana republics” and “a menu for the end of democracy,” which Trump “plainly wants to end.”

“That’s not being alarmist, it’s just the truth,” Vance added.

Despite facing four criminal trials, Trump remains the clear front-runner in the race to become the Republican 2024 nominee.

Trump has vowed if he is reelected to “totally obliterate the deep state” and told his supporters at a rally in Texas in March: “I am your warrior, I am your justice … for those who have been wronged and betrayed … I am your retribution.”

New York Times/Siena College polls released on Sunday suggested Biden trails Trump in hypothetical replays of the 2020 election in five key swing states.

But some commentators have suggested not so fast, highlighting how polling so far ahead of the vote can be misleading.

Read Vance’s full analysis here.


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