Greece Reports 33% Decrease in Undocumented Migrant Arrivals in November 2023


The Greek government has reported a significant drop in the flow of undocumented migrants last month, recording a 33 per cent decrease compared to October, despite ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

According to the latest data from the Greek migration ministry, the number of illegal arrivals reached 4,584 in November, up from 6,863 in October, representing a 40 per cent drop from September, reports.

As InfoMigrants reports, the overall drop between September and November stands at an impressive 60 per cent, showing a clear trend in decreasing migration flows to Greece during this period.

In addition, the Ministry also highlighted the noteworthy contrast with the surge observed in other regions, including Italy, Croatia, and Spain.

Previously, Greek authorities have expressed concern that the escalation of violence between Hamas and Israel could contribute to an increased influx of migrants to Europe.

As a result, United Nations statistics indicate that Palestinians have played a significant role in this rise. In this regard, the Greek Minister of Migration, Dimitris Keridis, has underscored the alarming situation, noting that even before the outbreak of tension, Greece was experiencing the most substantial increase in unauthorised arrivals of immigrants in recent times.

Along with Italy and Spain, Greece has grappled with a mounting influx of immigrants.

Throughout this year, the country has already experienced more than double the 18,780 unauthorised entries recorded by authorities in 2022. Thus, Palestinians constitute a substantial 22 per cent of irregular entries into Greece, with Afghans, Somalis, and Syrians following behind in attempts at unauthorised entry.

Greece stands among the EU countries that consistently report a significant flow of irregular migrant arrivals each month. Reflecting this trend, the country reported that the number of migrant arrivals in August 2023 was three times higher than the figures for the same month the previous year, with a total of 715 immigrants arriving in Greece during August of this year.

On September 2023, Greek authorities revealed plans to regularise the status of over 300,000 migrants currently residing in the country, aiming to address labour shortages in various sectors.

Minister of Migration Dimitris Kairidis emphasises the integration of irregular migrants to alleviate absences in construction, agriculture, and tourism.

The move comes as Greece faces a surge in migrant arrivals, with over 7,000 people arriving on the islands of Greece since the beginning of September 2023.


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