Michelle Mone admits she lied and lied again and stands to benefit from £60m PPE contract profit


Former Tory peer Baroness Mone admitted she lied and lied again as she conceded she stands to benefit from £60million in profit from a PPE contract at the height of the Covid crisis.

She said she was “sorry” for publicly denying her links to the firm involved, which is being investigated by the National Crime Agency.

But a defiant Baroness Mone added: “I don’t honestly see there is a case to answer. I can’t see what we have done wrong.”

She claimed she was not trying to “pull the wool” over anyone’s eyes and that she and her husband had been made scapegoats on the issue.

In an interview with the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg programme, she claimed her life had been “destroyed” by allegations about their PPE profits, even though “we’ve only done one thing, which was lie to the press to say we weren’t involved”.

She said that was “not a crime” and added: “No-one deserves this.”

PPE Medpro was awarded Government contracts worth more than £200 million to supply personal protective equipment after she recommended it to ministers.

In response to the interview, Labour’s Wes Streeting hit out at those he said had wanted to “make a quick buck at someone else’s expense” during the Covid crisis.

Referring to Labour’s plans for a Covid corruption commissioner if it wins the next election, he said his party’s message is “We want our money back” – and on potential wrongdoers “don’t worry we will find them”.

Other guests on the programme also criticised Baroness Mone.

Succession actor Brian Cox said: “To take advantage of a situation like that – there is something obscene about that”.

ITV’s Susannah Reid referred to Ms Mone’s claim she had lied over fears of press intrusion for her family, said: “She thinks she is the victim cos the press intrusion … utterly remarkable she does not see how sensitive this is for people.”

The Conservative peer and Ultimo bra tycoon has been at the centre of controversy over so-called “VIP lane” contracts.

She has repeatedly denied that she had profited from the deal, which she first discussed with government ministers including Michael Gove.

But she told the BBC: “If one day, if God forbid, my husband passes away before me, then I am a beneficiary, as well as his children and my children, so yes, of course.”

The Department of Health and Social Care has since issued breach of contract proceedings over the 2020 deal on the supply of gowns.

Millions of gowns supplied by the company were never used by health services.

Lady Mone, who was made a peer by Lord David Cameron in 2015, has claimed she is being used as a scapegoat for the government’s Covid failings.

During the interview her husband Doug Barrowman also repeated his claim he was asked by a Government official if he would “would pay more money for the NCA investigation to be called off”.

Asked why he did not take the allegation to the police, he said: “I take the advice of my legal team, and the legal team at that point in time suggested that we park that one for now.”


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