BRICS Confirms Another 6 Country Expansion in 2024


At the bloc’s 2023 annual summit, the BRICS alliance announced a landmark six-country expansion effort. Subsequently, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran, Argentina, Egypt, and Ethiopia received invitations. Now, India’s Minister of External Affairs recently confirmed that BRICS is set for another six-country expansion plan in 2024.

Speaking at an event this week, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar confirmed that the BRICS bloc has already agreed on an extension for the next time the bloc meets in full. Although he did not disclose if the alliance had already agreed on countries that would be included, he did note how many would be included.

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BRICS Already Agree on 2024 Expansion

There have been a few geopolitical developments in recent years that have garnered the attention that BRICS has in 2023. Indeed, the alliance has not been shy about its goal to disrupt the current global power balance. Moreover, it made waves with a landmark expansion plan at its most recent annual summit. However, that is now officially not set to be its last.

Indeed, India’s Minister of External Affairs has confirmed that the BRICS bloc will implement another six-country expansion plan in 2024. Specifically, he stated that the alliance had already agreed on the proposition. Last year, of the six nations invited, only one declined its entry into the bloc.

brics leaders meet
Source: AFP

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Thereafter, Jaishankar went on to describe the overall global purpose of BRICS. Specifically, he said that “the world cannot be run by seven countries.” He spoke of its attempt to grow its voice in global affairs. Ultimately, echoing the sentiment of the bloc’s attempt to create multipolarity in the global structure.

There has not been any inclination as to whether nations would be included in the alliance’s follow-up expansion plan. However, for much of the last year, a plethora of nations have sought entry. Pakistan and Nigeria have been vocal about their hopes of being included. Alternatively, the statement solidifies that another expansion round appears to be a certainty.


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