Watch as Rishi Sunak speaks to voters in northern England ahead of election


Watch as Rishi Sunak holds a question-and-answer session in northern England, the latest stop on a tour around the country to talk to voters before an election expected later this year.

The prime minister has vowed to “continue to confront the difficult challenges” as parliament returns for 2024.

A Downing Street source said Mr Sunak was determined to “not take the easy way out” in a year that is likely to see a general election.

MPs returned to Westminster following their Christmas break on Monday 8 January.

Mr Sunak said last week that it is his “working assumption” the UK will “have a general election in the second half of this year”.

The stance opens the door for him to call a potential autumn general election.

Over the weekend, Sir Keir Starmer said he suspected the prime minister was “putting vanity before country” by wanting to mark two years in power — an anniversary that falls on 25 October — before sending the country to the polls.


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