Satellite Images Reveal Stark Winter Landscape



SRINAGAR: The landscapes of Kashmir, known for their snow-covered beauty, present a surprising sight this winter. Contrary to the typical scenes of pristine white mountains, popular destinations such as Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Tangmarg, Pahalgam, and Aru Valley remain devoid of snowfall, creating a tranquil atmosphere with minimal tourist activity.

Satellite Images of Sonamarg for the Years 2023 and 2024

Satellite images from the European Space Agency (ESA), scrutinised by India Today’s Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) team, depict a concerning scenario. From the northern reaches of Gulmarg, Sonmarg, and Tangmarg to the southern locales of Pahalgam and Aru Valley, these winter destinations await the arrival of snow, even as Chillai Kalan, the traditionally harsh 40-day winter period, is already past its midpoint.

Even in higher-altitude areas like Gurez Valley, where roads usually close for winter in October, there is an unusual absence of snowfall. The Bandipora-Gurez road, spanning 85 km, remains open as of January 9, allowing access to regions that would typically be blanketed in snow.

Gulmarg, a well-known ski resort, usually abuzz with skiing enthusiasts on its pristine slopes, now stands desolate, stripped of its usual winter allure.

Situated at an elevation of about 8000 feet above sea level in the Bandipora district, Gurez Valley is experiencing near-zero snowfall, basking in sunshine despite the winter season.

The Kashmir Valley has encountered a 79 per cent rainfall deficit throughout December, with little relief in sight, according to the weather department. The forecast from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for Gulmarg predicts no fresh snowfall and clear skies until January 15.

IMD scientist Soma Sen Roy attributes this anomaly to El Nino, a climatic phenomenon marked by elevated sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. El Nino significantly influences global weather patterns, including those governing precipitation in Kashmir.

Roy, while speaking to India Today explains, “The Indian subcontinent lacks a robust western disturbance that typically brings moisture from the Arabian Sea and triggers snowfall in the mountains. El Nino is a crucial factor behind this phenomenon.” He predicts little change in the weather for Kashmir and North India shortly.

Weather experts note that El Nino’s impact has been evident since November of the previous year and is expected to persist into the coming month. In Southeast Asia, El Nino usually results in drier-than-average conditions, especially from December to February, accompanied by warmer temperatures.

The absence of the usual snow-covered slopes in Kashmir has left many visitors disappointed, particularly those who flocked to the region during the Christmas and New Year holiday season.


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