Is Numerology a Powerful Tool for Personal Transformation or Just a Scam?



by Qudsia Gani

In the Quran, the word month is mentioned 12 times, day 365 times and hour 24 times.


Pythagoras, otherwise known as Pythagoras of Samos, from ancient Greece, is regarded as one of the most brilliant minds of the ancient world who has significantly contributed to the field of Mathematics, philosophy and music.

Pythagoreans believed that “all is number.” This phrase has two interpretations. One is that we can measure and describe everything in it in terms of numbers and proportions. This idea works reasonably well and has a big influence on science and mathematics. Another interpretation is that everything in the world is made of numbers and can be reduced to a numerical value.

Electron, which is the fundamental constituent particle in everything, is in itself a purely mathematical entity. All its properties are essentially numbers. Its spin is a number and its charge is a number.

For Pythagoreans, numbers are not just Mathematics, they are a language. Apart from the rational discoveries like Pythagoras theorem, square roots of numbers or the mathematical proportions in musical notes, Pythagoras and his followers also believed in mystical traits of numbers.

Each number from 1 to 9 has certain interpretations or vibrations associated with it. Number 1 is associated with leaders, 2 with followers, 3 with teachers, 4 with hard workers, 5 with princes, 6 with riches, 7 with researchers, 8 with judges and 9 with warriors.

In terms of attributes, number 1 defines action, independence and ambition; 2 describes love and sensitivity; 3 stands for communication and expression; 4 is taken for discipline and hard work; 5 for travel and adventure; 6 for family and service; 7 for spiritual development; 8 for money, power and success; and 9 for completion or end of a cycle or a chapter in life.  Moreover, when any of these numbers repeats itself, it exemplifies the energy or traits which it stands for.

For numerologists, everything in the world seems to be dependent on numerical patterns. The process of translating words to numbers and vice versa is central to numerology. This practice has roots in Greek, Latin and Hebrew gematria, and it was essentially done for divination.

The people would use gematria to study and interpret religious texts like the Torah and the Bible. Even in Muslim tradition, for instance, 786 is widely proclaimed as bismillah. Similarly, 19 is considered the most powerful number in numerology and is seen to be overwhelmingly dominating the patterns in the count of chapters and verses of the Quran, though this view is still under review.

One is awed to know that the glorious Quran itself presents a numerical symmetry in its patterns of expression. For instance, it mentions the word life 145 times, so is the word death mentioned 145 times.

This world is mentioned 115 times which is as many times as the hereafter is mentioned.

The angels as well as the devils are mentioned 88 times each.

Good deeds and bad deeds are mentioned 167 times each.

So is the belief and disbelief mentioned 17 times each.

Devil by the name Iblis is mentioned 11 times and seeking refuge from him is also expressed 17 times.

To say something is mentioned 332 times. Something having been said is also mentioned 332 times.

The word month is mentioned 12 times, day 365 times and hour 24 times.

One cannot do without appreciating this much balance of counts in the book. This symmetry is inexplicable and beyond the throws of coincidence. In more than one way, we learn that Nature prefers symmetry and simplicity in all forms and features.

Mathematical beauty is however not even remotely connected to numerology. Like astrology, numerology is just a type of applied mysticism. The non-numerical traits of numbers have more to do with intuition and emotion rather than with any established empirical laws. Pythagoreans wanted to do it only with the spirit of applying intangible concepts to numbers.

However, the way we are getting carried away by how the numerologists practice it today is unfortunate. The way it is interpreted is more of a scam rather than a science or a pseudo-science.

In the recent past, we have seen several Bollywood celebrities altering their name spellings to fall in harmony with some numbers while coming under the influence of some numero-gurus. Ask them, if it made a difference.

Dr Qudsia Gani

Similarly, a survey was done about 806 Nobel laureates to find if there was anything common or distinctive to their birth dates.  On the contrary, it was found that their life path numbers were scattered in the same range or pattern as that of commoners with no peculiarities or uniqueness.

Numerology might be considered as a set of very secretive instincts or ideas which sound quite arbitrary and absurd. These may happen to a layman or even to a luminary but we cannot dwell on it.  Let us not unfold them beyond the interiors of a puzzling mind or else it may create havoc rather than a so-called harmony.

To quote Petra Hermans, ” “Human beings are destroying the earth and the universe by the abuse of numerology, what I will not allow by my deep spiritual responsibility.”

(Dr Qudsia Gani teaches Physics at a college. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Kashmir Life.)


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