Royal news – live: King Charles visited by Queen Camilla after second night in hospital following surgery


Sarah, Duchess of York, diagnosed with skin cancer

Queen Camilla was spotted smiling on her way to visit the King for the fourth time as he continues to recover from prostate surgery.

Camilla was seen in a black Audi car on the way to the central London hospital where Charles has spent two nights.

It is the third time she has visited since he was admitted to The London Clinic on Friday.

Charles was admitted on Friday and visited his daughter-in-law, the Princess of Wales, who is also at the hospital recovering from successful abdominal surgery.

It is not known how long the monarch will stay at the hospital.

Buckingham Palace said last week that Charles, 75, would undergo the procedure for a benign condition which was common among men over 50.


Queen visits King Charles in hospital for third time following prostate procedure

Queen visits King Charles in hospital for third time following prostate procedure

Barney Davis29 January 2024 05:01


Queen visits King Charles twice in hospital on Sunday

The Queen has visited the King as he remains in hospital for a third day after undergoing a procedure for an enlarged prostate.

Camilla smiled as she arrived at The London Clinic in central London by car just before midday on Sunday.

She left the hospital just over three hours later, at 3.10pm.

It is the same hospital where the Princess of Wales is being cared for following abdominal surgery.

She visited for a second time between 6pm and 7pm.

The Queen’s visits on Sunday were her third and fourth to the private hospital since she arrived with Charles on Friday morning ahead of the procedure.

Barney Davis29 January 2024 04:00


In Pictures: Queen visits King Charles as he recovers in London Clinic

Barney Davis29 January 2024 03:01


Inside the London clinic where King Charles and Kate are being treated

The London Clinic, now one of the UK’s largest independent hospitals, was officially opened by the Duke and Duchess of York, then the future King George VI and his wife Queen Elizabeth, back in 1932.

It was the brainchild of a group of Harley Street doctors, who set out to plan a new nursing home using the highest medical standards of the day, and its website says it was “founded on the principles of providing excellence in one place”.

Around 155 different conditions are treated at the hospital, which also operates as a charity, reinvesting in research, education and innovation.

Barney Davis29 January 2024 02:01


The Queen has King Charles is ‘fine’ and looking forward to getting back to work

The King was diagnosed with the benign condition on January 17 while staying at Birkhall, Aberdeenshire, after going for a check-up because he was experiencing symptoms.

He is understood to have wanted to share the news to encourage other men to get themselves checked.

Charles, who acceded to throne only 16 months ago, cancelled engagements and was urged to rest by his doctors ahead of the corrective procedure.

The exact nature of the 75-year-old’s treatment is not known.

NHS England said the “enlarged prostate” page on the NHS website received one visit every five seconds on the day the King’s diagnosis was announced, with further huge boosts in visits in the days that followed.

Barney Davis29 January 2024 01:00


King expected to fulfill duties after successful surgery

King Charles’ time in the hospital comes over a week after Buckingham Palace revealed that he needed a “corrective procedure” for a benign enlarged prostate condition.

“In common with thousands of men each year, The King has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate. His Majesty’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week for a corrective procedure,” a palace statement read. “The King’s public engagements will be postponed for a short period of recuperation.”

A royal source told People that the King would still be able to fulfill his constitutional requirements and duties despite the surgery. It’s also understood that King Charles revealed his diagnosis in an effort to encourage men to get checked.

According to the U.K.’s National Health Service website, the King’s announcement led to an 1,000% increase in searches about prostate enlargement. “It was sensible to be more open about it, as otherwise, people might have thought the worst,” a palace insider said.

Barney Davis28 January 2024 23:56


What is malignant melanoma? Everything you need to know about skin cancer after Sarah Ferguson’s diagnosis

Sarah, Duchess of York has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma following the removal of a cancerous mole during treatment for breast cancer.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can spread to other areas of the body.

Any diagnosis of melanoma is cancer, even if the term “malignant” is not used before it.

Barney Davis28 January 2024 22:46


NHS sees massive surge in melanoma searches after Duchess of York diagnosed

The NHS has seen a massive surge in people looking for information on melanoma skin cancer after Sarah, Duchess of York, was diagnosed with the disease.

NHS England said there was one visit every 13 seconds to the NHS website for information on melanoma in the two days following the announcement on Sunday.

Barney Davis28 January 2024 21:23


Exact details of King Charles’ condition ‘still unknown’

NHS England reported that the “enlarged prostate” page on their website received a visit every five seconds on the day the King’s diagnosis was announced, with more visits in the following days.

The Queen previously said her husband is “fine” and eager to return to work.

On the same day as his diagnosis, Kensington Palace announced that Kate had been hospitalised after abdominal surgery.

Kate, 42, is not expected to carry out official duties until after Easter, with the Prince of Wales clearing his diary for now.

Barney Davis28 January 2024 20:20


Smiling Queen leaves King Charles in hospital again as he recovers from prostate procedure

The Queen left The London Clinic at 7.06pm in the same black Audi in which she arrived.

Camilla was in a rear passenger seat and could be seen smiling.

Barney Davis28 January 2024 19:16


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