Elizabeth Warren Bluntly Summarizes The Evolution Of JD Vance


“He is now Donald Trump doubled,” Warren said on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” of the former venture capitalist, whom Trump has selected as his 2024 running mate.

“It means now that on really key issues, he’s Donald Trump ― in some cases, only more so,” she added. “For example, he said yes, he wants a nationwide abortion ban, but he’s opposed to any exceptions for rape or incest.”

He has since appeared to tone down that stance, offering vague answers in more recent interviews as Trump and the GOP attempt to soften their messaging on what has proven to be a losing issue.

Warren also criticized Vance’s positions on Social Security, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act, adding that he is “all in for the tax cuts that would go to the billionaires.”

Watch the interview below on “The Late Show.”


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