The Strange Way Republicans Are Marking Trump Assassination Attempt At RNC


Some Republicans at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee have been photographed and filmed sporting fake bandages and bandaids on their ears in apparent solidarity with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, who’s worn a large bandage on his right ear after it was wounded during the attempt on his life at the weekend.

“This is the newest fashion trend. I’m getting this going,” Arizona delegate Joe Neglia told CBS News’ Ed O’Keefe on Tuesday.

“Everybody in the world is going to be wearing these pretty soon. It’s the latest thing,” Neglia continued. “My wife calls me and tells me I dress like an engineer, but I’m setting new fashion ground here.”

O’Keefe asked Neglia, “And you just made this in your hotel room today with an envelope or what?”

“No, I folded it up on the bus on the way here,” the delegate replied.

One delegate appeared to use sticky tape:

Another sported a bandaid with the American flag:


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