20 Most In-Demand Roles in Ireland for Foreigners Seeking Work Visas: List


Ireland is facing labour shortages in 20 occupations, as revealed by the 2023 EURES report on shortages and surpluses.

Healthcare, IT, engineering, manufacturing, construction, and transportation were some of the affected sectors, Schengen.News reports.

This implies that foreigners who belong to any of the most in-demand roles and wish to move to Ireland may have a higher chance of securing an Irish work visa.

According to the latest EURES report, Ireland is facing labour shortages in the following occupations:

  1. Heavy truck and lorry drivers
  2. Bus and tram drivers
  3. Metal working machine tool setters and operators
  4. Welders and flame cutters
  5. Plumbers and pipe fitters
  6. Carpenters and joiners
  7. Home-based personal care workers
  8. Health care assistants
  9. Chefs
  10. Chemical and physical science technicians
  11. Software developers
  12. Systems analysts
  13. Health professionals not elsewhere classified
  14. Nursing professionals
  15. Generalist medical practitioners
  16. Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified
  17. Mechanical engineers
  18. Civil engineers
  19. Chemists
  20. Information and communications technology service managers

Ireland Relies on Foreign Doctors & Nurses, Report Shows

In addition to the above-mentioned roles, Ireland particularly needs workers in healthcare roles. As per the report, Ireland emerged as one of the EU countries with the highest reliance on foreign-trained doctors and nurses.

Among the EURES countries, Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland show the highest dependency on foreign-trained doctors, and Ireland, Switzerland, and Austria show the highest dependency on foreign-trained nurses.

2023 EURES Report on Shortages and Surpluses

On the other hand, Ireland did not report any surplus occupations, as per the above-mentioned report.

Ireland Issued 20% More Work Permits in 1st Half of 2024

Ireland’s reliance on foreign workers is also reflected in the surge in work permit issuance.

According to the Irish Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, 19,303 work permits were granted in the first half of 2024, representing a 20.5 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023.

Sectors with the highest number of work permits issued were healthcare (6809), information and technology (3282), agriculture, forestry and fishing (1859), and accommodation and food services (1458).

Indians Were Granted the Most Work Permits Among Foreign Nationals

Workers from India led the list of foreign nationalities who received the highest number of Irish work permits between January and June 2024. According to recent statistics, Indians obtained 6,746 work permits, accounting for 35 per cent of the total.

The list of most common nationalities that received Irish work permits also includes Brazil, the Philippines, Pakistan, South Africa, China, the United States, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Malaysia.



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