Patrick Beverley Reveals The Best Trash Talker He’s Ever Played Against



The NBA has a rich tradition of trash-talking.

It can be said in good fun or serious fashion, but this trend has been going on for a long time, well before social media was around.

Social media has certainly aided in on-court trash talk, as players can interact with each other in a much easier way than was possible a decade ago.

Current-day trash-talking might have a different flair to it, but at the end of the day, it’s no different than what it was in the past.

Players still get in each other’s faces, yelling when necessary, all to make their point and to get into their opponent’s heads.

Some are better at this art than others, which is what Patrick Beverley recently pointed out on “The OGs Show.”

Beverley was asked about the best trash talker he’s ever played against, and before the question was over, he said Draymond Green’s name.

“Dray knows how to do it… Draymond Green’s line with the ref is different than a lot of people’s lines with the ref,” Beverley said.

Beverley seems to believe that Green has a longer leash than most, especially when talking to referees.

Green has been in the league for a long time, and as a result, he has relationships with many of the referees.

Since they know his personality, it might be tougher for them to assess a technical for his behavior, as a lot of his antics seem to be a part of his everyday lifestyle on the court.

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