Spain Urged to Grant Venezuelan Immigrants Residence Permits “Immediately”


Following recent developments, The Venezuela Solidarity Association based in Spain has called on the local government to grant Venezuelan immigrants residence permits more quickly, without them having to go through the complex process of applying for asylum.

This request follows riots among Venezuelans, which have been ongoing since the election results were published on July 28. The violence in Venezuela has caused 24 victims and more than 1,200 people to be arrested, Schengen.News reports.

We hope that Venezuela will enjoy a climate of peace, freedom, democracy, security and coexistence, and we reaffirm our commitment to continue supporting all migrants and displaced persons who are seeking hope for the future of their families. 

The Venezuela Solidarity Association

“War” in Venezuela Worsens After Elections, EU Urged to Act

The situation in Venezuela deteriorated after the elections of July 28, in which the party in power announced President Nicolas Maduro as the winner without showing the official results. On the other hand, the opposition leader, Edmundo Gonzalez and his party claim that they have won these elections.

More than 400,000 Venezuelans live in Spain, especially in the Canary Islands and Madrid. The large community of Venezuelans chose Spain to work or even live there as the two countries have cultural and language ties.

The president of the conservative Popular Party and leader of the Spanish opposition, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, has called on the European Union to act regarding the situation in Venezuela. Nunez Feijoo also urged his government to recognise Edmundo Gonzalez’s electoral victory and prompt the EU to do the same.

Venezuelans’ Asylum Application Rates to the EU+ Are on the Rise

According to the EUAA’s latest data, the number of asylum seekers in May 2024 has reached 85,000. Venezuelans filed 6,800 applications, which represents eight per cent of all asylum seekers for the month.

The same data reveals that the number of asylum seekers from Venezuela is on the rise, increasing from 6,109 in April of 2024 to 6,669 in May. That is a 9.1 per cent increase, marked only in the one-month period.

Spain is the most popular destination for Venezuelan asylum seekers, which is the number one nationality with most asylum applications to this EU country. Along with Colombians and Malians, they filed 16,279 applications in May, the majority of which were first-time applications. This means that there are increasingly more people seeking asylum and arriving in Spain and the EU in recent months.


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