Keir Starmer calls for release of Israeli … sausages? – POLITICO


“I call again for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the return of the sausages — the hostages — and a recommitment to the two state solution, a recognized Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel.”

The mix-up comes just before Starmer heads to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where he said he will be pressing the case for a ceasefire.

Since coming to office, Starmer’s government has attracted the ire of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu by halting some British arms exports for use in Gaza and dropping U.K. objections to the International Criminal Court seeking an arrest warrant against the Israeli prime minister.

As opposition leader Starmer prioritized confronting antisemitism in his party, but has faced calls from some on the Labour left to take a harder line against Israel for its conduct in Gaza.


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