Italy to Increase Number of Days When Foreigners Can Apply for Temporary Work Visas


The Italian government wants to increase the annual number of days when foreigners can apply for temporary work visas – also known as the click days.

This was confirmed during a government meeting with the unions and organisations in the country, where plans for improving the law were revealed, Schengen.News reports.

This intervention with new measures comes after the number of regular foreign workers in Italy has yet to reach the market requirements.

We need to move beyond the click day. We need an annual flow system, no longer tied to quotas and precise deadlines, but based on the real needs of the country. 

Maria Grazia Gabrielli, Cgil Secretary

Government Seeks Improvement But Without Changing Bossi-Fini Law

The government pointed out during the meeting that there is a need for changes so that foreign workers can come to the country more easily. However, the Bossi-Fini law should not be changed.

The Bossi-Fini law refers to the immigration law that was passed by two former ministers and regulates the following matters:

  • Tighter rules for foreigners and their families to obtain residence permits.
  • It requires foreign workers to secure a job offer before entering the country in order for third-country nationals to work jobs that cannot be filled by Italian or EU nationals.
  • Enhances the powers of authorities to deport and detain irregular migrants.
  • Imposes penalties on employers who hire undocumented workers.

The government Undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano revealed the guidelines of the decree law, which will be presented to the Council of Ministers very soon.

Government Also Concerned About the Misuse of Work Visas by Criminals

One of the reasons why the government is focused on flows can be related to the frauds and other irregularities that it has brought. There are suspicions that throughout this scheme, there is a possible infiltration of organised crime.

The requests to bring foreign workers to Italy by companies located in some territories (in particular, Campania) are clearly excessive compared to the absorption capacity of the entrepreneurial fabric of the territories themselves; many foreigners who have come to those territories for work purposes do not then sign any regular employment contract. 

Undersecretary Mantovano

Prime Minister Meloni herself has previously issued a statement, saying that criminal gangs are misusing Italy’s seasonal work visas.

She also went on to say that Italian visas are being resold for up to $15,000, as Bangladeshi nationals disclosed the information.


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