Three Israeli Merkava Tanks Neutralised in Southern Lebanon – Reports

Three Israeli Merkava Tanks Neutralised in Southern Lebanon – Reports

Lebanese and Israeli sources reported that three Israeli Merkava tanks were hit by anti-tank missiles during border fighting. Prior to this, there were multiple reports from both sides that Israeli ground forces ambushed in southern Lebanon had “a href=” >suffered heavy losses Israeli publication “New News” stated that the attack on southern Lebanon was The offensive was developing disastrously, with heavy losses in men and equipment. Other Israeli sources reported that it was a “heavy casualty incident”. Near the border, at least four helicopters were used to evacuate the injured after the ambush, followed by 20 ambulances and multiple helicopters to take the injured to Rambam Hospital. Hezbollah has previously demonstrated advanced anti-tank capabilities, when Repelled the Israeli invasion in 2006, which effectively used Russian Kornet missiles acquired through Syria and other less advanced systems, including the Merkava III and the new Merkava IV Israeli vehicles, including tanks, caused heavy damage. target=“_blank”>Proven effective against all major modern Western main battle tanks in Ukraine, defeating American M1 Abrams, German Leopard 2 and UK Challenger 2.

自2006 年以來,真主黨的反坦克能力有了顯著提高,但據了解該民兵組織是否已獲得新的俄羅斯反坦克系統它獲得了比俄羅斯陸軍從朝鮮或伊朗部署的系統更先進的系統,即可以在無直接視線的情況下開火併通過其脆弱的頂部裝甲攻擊目標的系統。這樣的系統是第一次見到一月份真主黨在與以色列軍隊發生邊境衝突時使用了這個系統。它被認為是 The North Korean Bulsae-4 or the Iranian Almas, these two countries, together with China, are the only producers of such advanced anti-tank systems outside the Western sphere of influence. Pyongyang and Tehran have been Hezbollah's main backers and suppliers for decades. There has long been speculation that the Iranian Almas system, developed in the 2010s, was based on research on Israel's similar Spike system, a large number of which Hezbollah seized from Israeli forces in 2006.


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