Germany Will Introduce Temporary Border Controls With France to Ensure Security During Paris Olympics


Germany plans to introduce temporary internal border controls with France ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in an attempt to ensure security during the event.

While the measures are yet to be implemented, the German authorities stressed that the controls will remain in place for the entire duration of the Olympic Games in Paris, Schengen.News reports.

Internal border controls at the German land border with France in the run-up to and during the Olympic Games in Paris in order to ensure the highest level of security in close cooperation with the French authorities.

German Ministry of Interior

Announcing the country’s plans on the matter, the Federal Minister of Interior, Nancy Faeser, said that she will order the land border controls with France soon.

The Minister further said that the German authorities will work together with France to ensure that everyone feels safe during the Olympics. At the same time, she stressed that even after the measures get dropped, the authorities will continue to carry out targeted controls.

I will order internal border controls at the German-French land border in the coming weeks in order to do everything together with France to ensure the security of the Olympic Games in Paris. After the European Championship and the Olympics, there will continue to be intensive undercover surveillance with targeted controls.

Germany’s Minister of Interior Nancy Faeser

The Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games will take place from July 26, 2024, to August 11, 2024. During this time, more than 16 million visitors are expected to enter France.

Germany’s Internal Border Controls With Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg Will Only Be Effective Until July 19

Germany currently has in place internal border controls with Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

The border checks with these four member states were introduced in light of the European Football Championship to ensure security for everyone.

Now that the championship is over, the German Minister of Interior explained that there will no longer be internal border controls with Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg from July 19, 2024.

Once the measure gets dropped, the German authorities will continue to carry out targeted checks at these checkpoints as was the case before the championship.

Germany currently also has effective border controls with Austria, Czechia, Poland, and Switzerland. The measure with these countries, except for Austria, will remain in place until December 15, 2024.

On the other hand, the border controls with Austria will be dropped on November 11, 2024.


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