Here Are The Factors That Put You At Risk

Here Are The Factors That Put You At Risk

Did you know that bad breath or mouth sores could be an early warning sign of oral cancer? While in most cases these signs may be due to a less serious condition, knowing the symptoms of oral cancer is essential for early detection and prompt treatment.

Oral cancer accounts for approximately 3% of all cancers cancer Mouth or Oropharyngeal Cancer Diagnosed Each Year in the United States An estimated 54,540 adults in the country will be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer this year.

Oral cancer screening helps detect the disease earlier, when treatment is easier and more effective. If diagnosed early, the 5-year relative survival rate for all individuals is 86%.

Early signs of oral cancer:

  • Painful mouth sores or sores that bleed easily and don’t heal within weeks
  • Unexplained numbness, pain, or tenderness in the face, neck, or mouth
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, or moving your tongue
  • unintentional weight loss
  • Speech changes
  • White or red patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue
  • Persistent lumps in the mouth or neck
  • mouth or ear pain
  • Loose teeth or sockets that are difficult to heal after extraction
  • bad breath

Who is at risk?

1. Tobacco use: Studies show that 85% of head and neck cancers are related to smoking.chew tobacco Increases the risk of cancer of the cheeks, gums and the inner surface of the lips by 50%. Several studies have shown that long-term exposure to secondhand smoke also increases the risk of oral cancer.

Smoking during cancer treatment can lead to wound healing problems, risk of infection, and more side effects of radiation or chemotherapy.

2. Drinking alcohol: Alcohol consumption increases the risk of oral and oropharyngeal cancers.About 70% of people diagnosed Oral Cancer is an alcoholic.

People who drink heavily and smoke have about 30 times the risk of oral cancer than people who don’t smoke or drink alcohol.

3. Prolonged exposure to sunlight: Prolonged exposure to the sun without any protection increases the risk of lip cancer.

4. Human papillomavirus (HPV): HPV is a virus Infect Causes growths on the skin or mucous membranes, also known as warts. HPV infection increases the risk of cancer in the back of the throat, the base of the tongue, and the tonsils.

5. Oral hygiene: Poor oral hygiene and poorly fitting dentures can increase your chances of developing oral cancer.

6. Weakened immune system: People with weakened immune systems are at high risk for oral cancer.

7. Improper diet: A diet low in fruits and vegetables can lead to vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin A deficiency may increase the risk of oral and oropharyngeal cancers.

8. Age, gender, skin color: Men are more likely to develop oral cancer, with the risk increasing after age 45. People with fair skin have a higher risk of lip cancer.

Tips for Preventing Oral Cancer

Experts believe that changing some lifestyle Lifestyle habits can prevent the occurrence of oral cancer. This involves the following steps:

  • reduce tobacco
  • limit alcohol intake
  • use sunscreen on face and neck
  • eat a balanced diet
  • regular dental checkups
  • Vaccination against HPV
Many forms of oral cancer, such as cancer of the mouth or throat, can be sexually transmitted and caused by the sexually transmitted disease human papillomavirus (HPV).
Photo courtesy of Pixabay

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