Kyle Rittenhouse Says He Isn’t Voting For Trump, And MAGA Is Pissed


Things got weird in MAGA world this week after conservative cult hero Kyle Rittenhouse said he would not be voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 White House race.

In a social media video shared Friday by gun rights activist Dudley Brown, Rittenhouse said he couldn’t support the GOP presidential nominee, known for his “Make America Great Again” movement, because he is “bad on the Second Amendment.”

“If you cannot be completely uncompromisable on the Second Amendment, I will not vote for you,” Rittenhouse said in the video. “We need champions for the Second Amendment or our rights will be eaten away and eroded each day.”

Rittenhouse, who attempted to launch a media career after his 2021 acquittal in the shooting of three people amid racial justice protests in Wisconsin, added that “I support my decision and I have no take-backs.”

Although Rittenhouse didn’t post the video directly to his own social media pages, he shared Brown’s post and wrote a handful of additional remarks, such as “You must stand by your principles,” “No compromise means no compromise” and “We must hold ALL politicians to the same standards.”

But this was a bridge too far for many MAGA supporters, who were angered by what was seen as an act of disloyalty to their fearless leader.

BYE forever✌️ I can stomach a lot of things – but backstabbing millions who supported you at your lowest point. Then turning on Trump right after he got shot. Can’t stomach it – won’t put up with it – forgotten forever.

— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) August 2, 2024

Dear Kyle Rittenhouse:

How fucking dare you turn against President Trump after all he did for your dumb ass?

Trump thought you was “really a nice young man.”

Nice young men don’t betray their friends.

He stood by you when the world was against you.

Where the fuck you get…

— Lavern Spicer 🇺🇸 (@lavern_spicer) August 2, 2024

I regret ever supporting Kyle.

He’s flat out lying about Trump and so are you, Dudley.

There are only two choices: Trump or Kamala.

Kyle chose to betray his nation and those that supported him. Sad!

Going to be amusing when he tries to grovel back to Mar-a-Lago in a few…

— Steven 🇺🇸 (@SirStevenKJ) August 2, 2024

Meanwhile, other social media users seemed perfectly content to just watch the conservative meltdown.

“MAGA is so mad at Kyle Rittenhouse now they are pulling up his birth certificate to see if he was born a woman, Black, or Indian,” one observer joked.

Kyle Rittenhouse: I killed two people!

MAGA: Yay, We love you Kyle!

Kyle Rittenhouse: I’m not voting for Trump.


— Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) August 2, 2024


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