DeSantis stands up for parental rights and biological reality in Florida


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a series of bills protecting children and parental education rights. He also said that Florida would not participate in the “pronoun olympics” that some schools impose on students and teachers.

What are the bills that DeSantis signed?

DeSantis signed five bills on Wednesday to safeguard Florida’s students’ well-being and dignity. They are:

  • HB 1069: This bill expands the Parental Rights in Education law passed last year. It prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity from pre-kindergarten through grade 8. It also prevents employees, contractors, and students of educational institutions from being required to use, provide, or be asked to provide certain titles and pronouns that are not based on biological sex.
  • SB 254: This bill bans anyone under age 18 from undergoing sex-reassignment surgeries or taking prescription-based cross-sex hormones to treat gender dysphoria in Florida. It also makes permanent a state rule prohibiting Medicaid from reimbursing people of all ages who undergo these procedures.
  • SB 1438: This bill aims to prevent children from attending drag shows, which DeSantis called “sexually explicit” and “inappropriate.” The bill does not specifically mention drag shows but prohibits minors from being employed or performing at establishments that offer adult entertainment or sell alcohol.
  • HB 1521: This bill provides requirements for the exclusive use of restrooms and changing facilities by gender. It also prohibits willfully entering a restroom or changing a facility designated for the opposite sex and refusing to leave when asked.
  • HB 225: This bill allows private school, virtual school, and homeschool students to participate in sports and extracurricular activities at public or private schools regardless of their zip code.

Why did DeSantis sign these bills?

DeSantis said he signed these bills to uphold Florida’s parents and children’s values and interests. He said he wanted to “let the kids be kids” and not subject them to indoctrination or experimentation that could harm their physical and mental health.

He also said he wanted to respect the biological reality of sex and gender, not force students and teachers to declare or use pronouns not based on their anatomy. He called this practice the “pronoun olympics” and said it was a recent phenomenon that had no basis in human history.

“We’re not doing the pronoun olympics in Florida. It’s not happening here,” he said.

How did people react to DeSantis’ actions?

DeSantis’ actions were praised by many conservatives and parents who share his views on education and gender issues. They thanked him for respecting common sense, science, and morality. They also applauded him for defending parental rights and children’s safety.

However, DeSantis’ actions were also criticized by some liberals and LGBTQ activists who accused him of promoting hate, discrimination, and ignorance. They claimed that he was violating the rights and dignity of transgender and nonbinary people. They also argued that he was harming the economy and reputation of Florida by alienating potential visitors and businesses.

What are the implications of DeSantis’ actions?

DeSantis’ actions could significantly affect Florida’s education, health care, legal, and social climate. They could also affect his political future, as he is widely seen as a potential contender for the 2024 presidential race.

By signing these bills, DeSantis has positioned himself as a conservative movement leader and a champion of traditional values. He has also drawn a clear contrast with President Joe Biden and his administration, which have been pushing for more progressive policies on gender identity and sexual orientation.

However, DeSantis has also exposed himself to potential legal challenges and public backlash from his opponents. He could face lawsuits from civil rights groups or individuals claiming his actions violate federal law or the Constitution. He could also face protests or boycotts from activists or businesses who disagree with his stance.

DeSantis has shown that he is not afraid to take bold and controversial actions on behalf of his constituents. He has also shown that he is unwilling to compromise or conform to the prevailing trends on gender issues. He has clarified that Florida will not participate in the “pronoun olympics” or any other agenda that goes against his vision for the state.


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