Florida Bans Sex Change Surgeries for Minors


Florida has joined other states in banning sex change surgeries for minors. On Wednesday, Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that prohibits gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth. The bill also creates obstacles for adults to access such care. The bill has sparked controversy and criticism.

The details of the bill

The bill, known as Senate Bill 254, bans doctors from prescribing puberty blockers or hormone therapy to minors who identify as transgender. It also bans them from performing surgeries to alter their sex characteristics. In addition, the bill imposes fines of $10,000 per day on any entity that offers or facilitates such treatments.

The bill also requires transgender adults to obtain written consent on a form adopted by the state’s medical boards before receiving gender-affirming care. The governor appoints the boards. They have already taken steps to restrict transgender care under DeSantis.

In addition, the bill grants Florida courts jurisdiction in child custody disputes over transgender minors. This applies when one parent opposes treatment pursued under an out-of-state parent.

The reasons for the bill

DeSantis said he signed the bill to protect minors from “mutilation” and “irreversible” harm. He claimed that sex change surgeries and treatments are dangerous and experimental. He also said they are influenced by the “Chinese Communist Party” and “woke ideology.”

DeSantis, expected to run for president in 2024, has made cultural issues surrounding LGBTQ rights a key part of his political agenda. He has also signed bills banning transgender girls from competing in women’s sports and restricting LGBTQ education in schools.

The opposition to the bill

The bill has been met with strong opposition and condemnation from LGBTQ advocates and medical experts. They say the bill violates the rights and dignity of transgender people and interferes with their health care decisions. They also say the bill is based on misinformation and stigma and ignores the medical consensus that supports gender-affirming care.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida said it would sue the state over the bill, calling it “cruel” and “unconstitutional.” The Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBTQ group, said it would also challenge the bill in court, along with other similar bills passed in other states.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a leading organization of medical professionals who specialize in transgender care, said the bill is “harmful” and “unnecessary.” It said it opposes any government interference in the doctor-patient relationship and any barriers to accessing quality health care.


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