Hundreds of Amazon delivery drivers in New York join Teamsters union

Hundreds of Amazon delivery drivers in New York join Teamsters union

An attendee holds a sign that reads “Support Amazon Truckers” during an “Amazon Truckers Day of Solidarity” event held by Teamsters Local 848 on August 29, 2024, as workers and union members rally to support Unionization and collective bargaining for Amazon delivery drivers.

Patrick T. Fallon AFP | Getty Images

hundreds Amazon Delivery drivers at one of the company's New York plants have joined the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the union announced Monday, marking the latest escalation in organizing efforts across its logistics network.

The drivers worked for three contracted delivery companies at an Amazon facility called DBK4 in Queens, New York. A spokesman for the Truckers Association said the drivers worked for Cornucopia Logistics, DnA Logistics and Champion Logistics.

The majority of drivers at each contracting company have signed authorization cards to join the Teamsters, the union said in a news release. They contacted Amazon on Monday morning, asking the company to recognize the union and begin negotiations. The union said drivers at the facility are calling for consistent schedules, properly maintained delivery trucks and reasonable workloads.

These workers are part of Amazon's network of third-party delivery companies that deliver packages from Amazon warehouses to shoppers' doorsteps.

Amazon's fleet of delivery workers has faced increasing labor pressure over the past year, including strikes and calls for higher wages and improved safety measures. Last week, Amazon announced it would raise wages for contracted delivery workers as part of a $2.1 billion investment in the program.

The National Labor Relations Board has also been reviewing Amazon's delivery service partner program. Since August, the Federal Office of Labor has issued two decisions The investigation found that Amazon should be considered a “common employer” for employees of the two subcontracted delivery companies. The NLRB's decision could force Amazon to bargain with workers seeking to unionize.

“The NLRB made it clear that Amazon has a legal obligation to bargain with its drivers and meet with them at the bargaining table to improve wages, working conditions, safety standards,” said Sean O'Brien, general manager of the Teamsters Association. And everything in between.

The Teamsters and other large unions have long worked to organize warehouse and delivery workers at Amazon, the nation's second-largest private employer. truck driver too roll out The department is designed to provide funding and mentoring organizational resources to Amazon employees.

watch: Amazon driver describes the pressures and pitfalls of DSP delivery

Amazon driver describes the pressures and pitfalls of DSP delivery


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