Greek election live: Second poll likely as Mitsotakis seeks majority


Who is Kyriakos Mitsotakis? 

A former banking executive, the 55-year-old Harvard graduate was born into a political dynasty that produced a former prime minister, a former foreign minister and the current Mayor of Athens. Mitsotakis has led New Democracy — Greece’s right-of-center pole for the past half century — since 2016, steering it closer to the political center with a pro-reform and pro-business agenda.

Elected prime minister in 2019, he has been credited with Greece’s successful handling of the pandemic and of two crises with neighboring Turkey, while overseeing high growth and job creation. But a wiretapping scandal and a railway disaster damaged his ratings.

Nevertheless, Mitsotakis has argued against any post-electoral coalition deal, saying Greece needs a strong government to ensure stability and a return to investment grade for its bonds — ending the last salient reminder of the 2009-2018 financial crisis. Going to a second election would suit him due to the seat bonus, though he’s suggested that a third election might be on the cards, if needed.


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