Can a Person Break Free from Narcissistic Abuse?



by Syed Majid Gilani

John’s resilience shines as a beacon of hope. His refusal to surrender serves as a testament to the human spirit, illuminating a path forward, even in the darkest moments.

Narcissism by Deena So’Oteh

In a world where truth is often distorted, one man’s life was turned upside down by a sinister campaign of harassment and manipulation. John, a devoted and honest officer, found himself trapped in a toxic marriage with Mary, whose narcissistic personality had created a living nightmare.

Behind the mask of a happy family, John suffered in silence. His simplicity and kind-heartedness, once his greatest strengths, had become his downfall. Mary’s relentless taunts, criticisms, and mind games had turned their children against him, leaving John to weep in secret.

But Mary’s goal was even more shocking: to manipulate John into initiating a divorce, securing a hefty alimony in the process. Her twisted plan had John’s life in a stranglehold, threatening to destroy everything he held dear. As the facade of their happy family began to crumble, John’s world was forever changed.

Husband and wife can have their arguments away from the child. But the couples forget this wisdom and it impacts the life and future of the kid. KL Illustration: Malik Kaisar

John’s life was slowly unravelling, as his partner Mary’s relentless humiliation and manipulation chipped away at his self-worth. In front of their children and relatives, she would publicly belittle him, leaving John feeling worthless and insignificant.

But Mary’s attacks did not stop there. She declared war on John’s autonomy, disregarding the fundamental principles of trust and respect in their marriage. Without consent or consideration, she would come and go as she pleased, making outrageous financial demands that exploited John’s successful career.

Unbeknownst to Mary, John’s financial stability was a facade. He was drowning in debt, having taken out loans to renovate his cherished ancestral home. This family heirloom held a deep emotional significance for John, filled with memories of his childhood, parents, and grandparents. He had hoped to preserve it for his children, never imagining that Mary had other plans.

With each passing day, Mary’s grip tightened, suffocating John’s sense of identity and security. The very foundations of their marriage were crumbling, leaving John vulnerable and isolated.

Mary’s master plan was unfolding, and John’s life was imploding. She cunningly manipulated their children, feeding them lies and fabricated stories that poisoned their minds against their loving father.

The consequences were devastating. John’s children, now pawns in Mary’s game, turned against him. They ignored his calls, dismissed his messages, and refused to meet him. The pain of losing his closest relationships was overwhelming. John felt isolated, with no one to confide in, no shoulder to lean on.

But Mary’s manipulation ran deeper. For years, she had secretly compiled a dossier on John, monitoring his every move, copying his contacts, and tracking his interactions. This sinister surveillance was the precursor to a calculated campaign of harassment and exploitation.

Despite being pushed to the breaking point, John remained remarkably calm and composed. Mary’s strategy was to provoke him into a reaction, securing the divorce she coveted. Yet John refused to give in, denying Mary the satisfaction of witnessing his downfall.

As the darkness closed in, John’s tears fell like rain, his heart heavy with sorrow. He felt trapped in a loveless marriage, a prisoner in his own home, with no escape from the torment. But Mary’s calculating smile hinted at a more sinister plan – to destroy the life they had built together, without a thought for their children’s future or John’s love.

John had once believed Mary was his soulmate, but instead, he found himself entangled with a self-centred narcissist. She belittled him, eroding his self-worth, and made conversations revolve around her accomplishments, needs, and desires. Disagreements triggered her rage, leaving John walking on eggshells, desperate to please her. But Mary’s fragile ego and superiority complex made empathy impossible.

Yet, one day, John found the strength to break free. He set boundaries, refused to play her games, and rediscovered his passion for writing. Reconnecting with friends and family, he slowly rebuilt his shattered confidence. But Mary could not accept John’s newfound independence. She unleashed her fury, desperate to pull him back into her toxic grasp.

John stood firm, knowing he deserved a life free from narcissistic abuse. With each step forward, he left the shadows of his past behind, embracing a brighter future.

When Mary’s staged scenes failed to yield the desired evidence, she escalated her campaign of deceit. With calculated precision, she spun a web of lies, ensnaring the police, courts, and even John’s inner circle. Her goal was simple: provoke John into a divorce. But he stood firm, refusing to yield to her manipulations.

As John reflects on the darkest moments of his life, he realizes that his quest for love was mercilessly exploited. Every day brought a fresh wave of torment: relentless arguments, crushing criticisms, and a relationship twisted beyond recognition. The person he trusted most, Mary, turned against him, and even his children were brainwashed into betraying him.

But as the truth began to unravel, John discovered the horrifying extent of Mary’s manipulation. Yet, in the face of unimaginable evil, he found the strength to break free. His heart-wrenching story is a testament to the resilience of the human heart and the power of truth to overcome even the darkest of deceptions.

For years, Mary’s actions were fuelled by a deep-seated hatred for John, driving her to oppose him at every turn. Despite John’s selfless efforts to provide for his family, going beyond his means, Mary’s resentment only grew. She sought to dominate and control every aspect of John’s life, but he refused to yield.

John’s genuine love and hard work were constantly met with disapproval and disdain. No matter how hard he tried, Mary’s desire for power and control consumed her, leaving John to endure the most of her arrogance. Yet, John persevered, believing he was chosen to endure this trial with patience and resilience.

John’s faith in Allah’s Mercy remained unwavering, even as he endured years of hostility and manipulation at the hands of Mary. His eyes fixed on Divine Justice, he held onto the hope that truth would soon prevail.

Syed Majid Gilani

The four walls of his home, once a sanctuary, had become a prison, witnessing John’s silent suffering. They saw the tears, the sighs, and the unbearable pain. A thousand heart-wrenching tales unfolded within those walls, each one a testament to John’s anguish.

His love for Mary, though unreciprocated, had kept him tied to the marriage. But his story would become a powerful reminder: behind closed doors, truth is often concealed, and suffering silenced.

Yet, John’s resilience shines as a beacon of hope. His refusal to surrender serves as a testament to the human spirit, illuminating a path forward, even in the darkest moments

(The author works as a GST Inspector for the Government of Jammu & Kashmir. Ideas are personal.)


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