Pregnancy And Postpartum Complications High In Surrogates: Study

Pregnancy And Postpartum Complications High In Surrogates: Study

A recent study shows that surrogate mothers face a higher risk of pregnancy and postpartum complications than women who conceive naturally or through assisted conception.

one study The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, examined the health effects of three different types of pregnancies: independent, in vitro fertilization and carrier pregnancy.

The results showed that surrogate mothers were at higher risk for severe postpartum hemorrhage, hypertension and preeclampsia. They are also at higher risk of premature birth than those who conceived naturally or through in vitro fertilization. However, the evidence for severe neonatal morbidity is unclear. Neonatal incidence is defined as a medical condition resulting in postpartum inpatient readmission, hospitalization for observation, or death within 28 days of birth.

“This study was prompted by the increased use of surrogacy worldwide and the lack of information on the impact of this reproductive method on pregnancy outcomes for surrogates and offspring,” lead author Dr. Maria Velez said in a report. message. Press release.

Researchers analyzed 863,017 births in Ontario, Canada, between 2012 and 2021, focusing on unaided pregnancies through in vitro fertilization and the use of surrogate carriers. They looked at a wide range of health outcomes, including serious maternal and neonatal complications, preeclampsia, caesarean section, preterm birth and postpartum haemorrhage.

The results showed that the risk of severe maternal morbidity was 2% in the unassisted group, 4% in the IVF group, and 8% in the gestational carrier group. When analyzing the risk of different morbidities, the gestational carrier group showed a higher risk of hypertensive disorders and postpartum hemorrhage.

“Clinicians involved in the care of individuals and couples who need a surrogate to start a family should counsel patients and surrogates about potential risks during pregnancy and the early postpartum period. There are guidelines on eligibility criteria to minimize pregnancy risks. However, these guidelines do not It’s not always strictly followed,” she added.

The study has certain limitations. It does not explore why parents choose to be gestational carriers, the motivations of surrogate mothers choosing to be carriers, or the sources of egg and sperm donors. Additionally, the specific type of IVF used was not considered. These factors may have important implications for understanding the risks associated with surrogacy.


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