Miami zoo ‘Kiwi Encounter’ dropped; video shows visitors petting bird


Zoo Miami has apologized for mistreating a kiwi bird after a video surfaced online of visitors petting the nocturnal bird in a bright environment and staff showing guests how it moves away from the light. 

In a statement Tuesday, Zoo Miami said the Kiwi Encounter will no longer be offered to guests, and in hindsight, was “not well conceived with regard to the national symbolism of this iconic animal and what it represents to the people of New Zealand.” 

Kiwi are a symbol for the uniqueness of New Zealand wildlife, and a taonga (treasure) to Maori people, who have strong cultural, spiritual and historic associations with kiwi, the New Zealand Department of Conservation said on its website.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species, the bird is vulnerable to extinction.  


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