Being kind will not diminish your authority, says business school leader

Being kind will not diminish your authority, says business school leader

Essec Asia Pacific Business School Associate Dean Reetika Gupta shares her leadership experience at an international university on CNBC’s “My Biggest Lesson”.

As a leader, being too nice to your team can sometimes be seen as a loss of authority or power over them.

Reetika Gupta, associate dean at Essec Asia Pacific Business School, is convinced this is not the case.

“It brings you closer to people,” Gupta told CNBC’s Make It.

When an employee has to leave the company due to a personal setback, Gupta reflects on the importance of empathizing with the struggles an individual may face, and “the importance of flexibility in the workplace where employees can be supported in difficult situations.”

“It made me realize that acquiring talent is much more expensive than retaining it,” she added.

This is just one of Reetika Gupta’s five most important lessons. Watch the video above to learn more.


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