Washington Post publisher, CEO Fred Ryan to depart

Washington Post publisher, CEO Fred Ryan to depart

Fred Ryan, publisher and chief executive of The Washington Post, announced Monday that he will step down as helm of the paper in August.

Ryan, who has overseen the Washington Post for the past nine years, will transition to lead the new nonpartisan Center for Public Civility at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, shortly after Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought it.

“Jeff personally supported the planning and design phases of this new initiative and supported my decision to make this move,” Ryan told The Washington Post staff in a memo on Monday.

Ryan said that under his leadership, the Post transformed itself from a local print newspaper into a global digital publication and won 13 Pulitzer Prizes.in a statementThe Washington Post said that under Ryan’s leadership, it achieved years of profitability and a significant increase in digital subscriptions.

But the Post has not been immune to broader industry struggles, either. The paper has laid off editorial and business staff in recent years.

Recently, a wave of layoffs in both digital and traditional newsrooms has hit the media industry. The industry has also been grappling with the rise of artificial intelligence, with newsrooms including The Washington Post taking action.

In his memo, Ryan said his career shift came about because of his “increasing concern about the decline of civil and respectful dialogue in our political process, on our social media platforms, and in our wider society.”

Explaining his next steps in a memo on Monday, he said: “Many of us remember a time when people could disagree without being annoying. Political leaders on both sides of the aisle could be found for the good of the country. common ground.” “Today, the decline of civility has become a toxic and corrosive force that threatens our social interactions and undermines the foundations of our democracy. I feel a strong sense of urgency about this issue.”

While Ryan will stay on as issuer until August, Bezos said in a separate memo Monday that his “longtime friend and colleague” Patty Stonesifer will serve as interim CEO. Stonesifer, who sits on Amazon’s board of directors and was the founding CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after his executive stint at Microsoft, will lead the search for a new CEO.

Read Fred Ryan’s memo to employees here:

SUBJECT: A Message to Washington Post Colleagues

Dear Washington Post Colleagues,

Nine years ago, I was honored to be chosen by Jeff Bezos to be the publisher and CEO of The Washington Post. Working with Jeff and the amazing team at The Post has been an incredible experience and very gratifying.

Together we have accomplished one of the most extraordinary transformations in the history of modern media. We have grown from a primarily local print newspaper to a global digital publication. We’ve added significant numbers to our vast team of journalists, engineers and business experts, and made The Post profitable for many years. We launched an innovative new technology platform that powers hundreds of other news sites around the world.

During this time, we’ve won several awards for journalism excellence, including 13 Pulitzer Prizes, and we’ve been named the “World’s Most Innovative Media Company” by Fast Company twice.

As I have shared in conversations with many of you, I am deeply concerned about the decline of civility and respectful dialogue in our political processes, social media platforms, and wider society. Many of us can recall a time when people could disagree without being obnoxious. Political leaders of both parties can find common ground for the good of the country. Today, the decline of civility is a toxic and corrosive force that threatens our social interactions and weakens the foundations of our democracy. I feel a strong sense of urgency about this issue.

Therefore, I have decided to leave my post at the Post to lead the Independent Public Civilization Center This was sponsored by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute. Jeff personally supported the planning and design phases of this new initiative and supported my decision to make the move.

In order to advise and advise during this transition, I have agreed to remain as publisher of The Washington Post through August 1st. Jeff will announce a new interim CEO later today. I have the highest respect for him.

I look forward to spending time with all of my friends and colleagues at The Post in the coming weeks and months, and I am deeply grateful for your many impressive contributions to our success. I will fully support the interim CEO as he charts a transition process and a bright future for the Post.

With deepest gratitude to each and every one of you,


Read Jeff Bezos’ memo here:

Subject: A message to the Washington Post team

Dear Washington Post Team,

I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to Fred for his dedicated service to The Washington Post as our publisher and CEO.

Fred led the Post through a period of innovation, journalistic excellence and growth. His focus on the intersection of journalism and technology has greatly benefited readers and laid the groundwork for future developments.

Fred is widely respected for his advocacy for press freedom and the protection of journalists. In addition to launching the Partnership for Press Freedom, he has worked tirelessly to secure the release of wrongfully detained journalists and has been unwavering in demanding accountability for those who harm them.

I am very grateful for Fred’s leadership and the friendship we have developed over the years. I look forward to continuing to enjoy both as he works to promote civility in our nation’s discourse.

To make sure we don’t miss a beat, Fred has agreed to stay on as publisher for the next two months, and my longtime friend and colleague Patty Stonesifer will join the Post today as interim CEO. She will lead our leadership team, guide us through this important transition, and help me identify the publisher/CEO who will lead The Post into the next decade. Patty built and led great organizations. You will soon see why I admire her. Her skill, judgment and character are outstanding. She also understands the importance of our mission and has a deep respect for the work we do here.

Please join me in thanking Fred for preparing his new venture and welcoming Patty to the role of Interim CEO.

Thank you so much,



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