Ex-con yelled he was ‘going to erase someone’ before he was fatally knifed on NYC subway: witness


The ex-con who was stabbed to death on the subway in Brooklyn after allegedly punching a woman in the face was “acting obnoxious” and bizarrely yelled he “was going to erase someone” before the fatal altercation, a witness told The Post.

Devictor Ouedraogo, 36, was killed after he started arguing with another rider, 20-year-old Jordan Williams, and his girlfriend on a northbound J train on Tuesday night, police and sources said.

Before the confrontation with Williams, Ouedraogo and his pal started “acting obnoxious” after they boarded the train at either the Fulton or Chambers Street station, according to a witness, who identified himself only as Eric.

“He was getting in the face of somebody on the other end of the train. At one point he took his shirt off and I heard him say he was going to erase someone” Eric, 28, said of Ouedraogo. 

Jordan Williams, 20, allegedly fatally stabbed Devictor Ouedraogo, 36, on the subway Tuesday night.
Paul Martinka

The witness noted that Ouedraogo “didn’t seem drunk” and appeared lucid during his reported antics and eventual fight with Williams as the train approached Marcy Avenue.

Williams, Eric said, got on the train somewhere near The Bowery and sat down beside a young woman and across from two older women near the end of the train.

He was not sure if they all knew each other or not.

Around Delancey Street, Ouedraogo said something to one of the women sitting across from Williams, he said.

Williams rolled his eyes and one of the women told Ouedraogo “something to the effect of you mind you business or you stay out of it,” Eric recalled.

Police on subway platform in Brooklyn
One witness said Ourdraogo was acting like an “a–hole” before the fatal clash.
Peter Gerber

Police have said the couple did not know Ouedraogo prior to the fatal clash.

Williams then quietly said to Ouedraogo something that sounded like “you need to chill or you need to relax,” Eric said.

After about three or four more verbal exchanges, Eric said Ouedraogo then “cracked him [Williams] in the face.”

Sources have said Ouedraogo also slugged Williams’ girlfriend.

Williams and Ouedraogo started wrestling on the ground as straphangers fled to neighboring cars, including Eric, who described the next car over as “packed like a sardine can.” 

NYPD at stabbing scene in Brooklyn
Ourdraogo collapsed after getting off the J train at the Marcy Ave. Station in Williamsburg.
Peter Gerber

Still watching the fight from the other car, Eric said he “didn’t see him [Williams] pull out a knife but it looked like he punched him [Ourdraogo] in the chest,” Eric said. 

He said Ourdraogo “walked through the car doors into the car where everyone was and I backed up and he had a hole in the center of his chest and it was pumping blood and he had a glossed over look in his eyes.”

Ourdraogo stumbled out of the train and collapsed at the Marcy Avenue stop in Williamsburg, he said. 

“His friend was kind of smacking him in the face but he was completely unconscious laying on the subway platform” Eric said, adding that he didn’t expect him to die from the wound.

Photos of bruising on Jordan Williamsâ neck from the struggle
Photos show bruising on Jordan Williams’ neck from the struggle.

Eric said he thinks one of the two ladies who had been across from Williams called 911.

Williams and his girlfriend stayed on the train as it pulled away, but were picked up by police at the Chauncey Street station, sources said.

Police and EMS rushed Ouedraogo to Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. 

Jordan Williams
Williams allegedly stabbed Ouedraogo after he punched his girlfriend in the face, sources said.
Paul Martinka

Williams, of Hollis, Queens, was charged with manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon on Wednesday morning, authorities said.

The woman, whose age was not released, was initially also in custody as a “person of interest,” but was later released, cops said.

Ouedraogo served three and a half years in prison for an attempted robbery in Queens, records show.

He was paroled in April of 2012 to immigration.


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