Weather Woes Leave Kashmir Farmers In Distress


SRINAGAR: The unpredictable weather conditions have left farmers in North Kashmir’s Kupwara district feeling anxious. The untimely inclement weather and frequent downpours have raised concerns about the harvest.

Those involved in agricultural activities are currently facing distress due to seasonal changes, particularly regarding their paddy saplings. They claim that the saplings have suffered significant damage as a result of continuous rains and hailstorms.

Speaking to the news agency KNO, farmers stated that the crops have endured substantial damage due to the unusual weather conditions. “Paddy, vegetable crops, beekeeping, and others have been affected.”

A significant portion of the population in the border district of Kupwara relies on agricultural activities. People engaged in farming work diligently each year to prepare their fields and protect them from external harm.

In addition to agriculture, they mentioned that orchards have also suffered immense damage due to continuous rainfall, strong winds, and heavy hailstorms. “Erratic weather conditions have significantly impacted annual agricultural activities. Given the circumstances, farmers have either given up their work or postponed it by at least 20 to 25 days, waiting to see if the weather permits any agricultural activity,” they explained.

At this early stage, they are already worried about weather patterns, including untimely rains, hailstorms, and extreme temperature fluctuations, which could affect the annual production.

The unseasonal rains and snowfall have sparked concerns among farmers and orchardists in the district. “Farmers are facing immense challenges, particularly regarding paddy saplings. Orchardists are worried about damage to fruit crops and the possibility of premature fruit drop,” they expressed.

The unseasonal rains have forced farmers to postpone paddy transplantation. “Normally, paddy saplings would be transplanted by the last week of May, but this year they haven’t been able to do it even in the third week,” farmers said, voicing their concerns.

The unseasonal rains, hailstorms, and snowfall are expected to have a significant impact on the annual production. “This will deeply worry farmers and orchardists, considering the amount of hard work and money invested to ensure a good harvest,” they added.

The agricultural land is currently very wet, resulting in halted activities.

According to the data, compared to previous years, Jammu and Kashmir experienced a 24% excess rainfall in May alone.

Gurdeep Singh, Chief Agriculture Officer (CAO), informed KNO that the unseasonal rains and erratic weather conditions have affected the agricultural sector in the district. “Paddy saplings have suffered, and vegetable crops have been significantly affected by the cold conditions. Continuous rains have also impacted beekeeping,” he said.

He noted that the annual agricultural production will be affected for various reasons due to the weather conditions.

“Temperature fluctuations are a concern for agricultural activities. However, the temperature has improved now. It does affect nurseries that cater to the agricultural sector,” added the CAO.

He further revealed that 80% of the population in Kupwara district is directly or indirectly associated with agricultural activities. (KNO)


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