Bret Baier Confronts Donald Trump On All Of His ‘Best’ People Who Have Turned On Him


Fox News host Bret Baier asked former President Donald Trump about his 2016 campaign pledge to surround himself with “only the best and most serious people” before launching into an exhaustive list of all his former cabinet secretaries and aides that have vowed not to support his 2024 reelection bid.

Baier sat down with Trump for a sweeping interview that began airing Sunday, his first since he was indicted on 37 counts linked to his handling of classified documents. The host asked Trump — who is once again trying to secure the GOP nomination — about his combative record when it comes to his former hires. At least two, his former vice president, Mike Pence, and ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, are running against him.

This time your vice president Mike Pence is running against you. Your ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, she’s running against you. Your former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, said he’s not supporting you. You mentioned national security adviser John Bolton, he’s not supporting you either. You mentioned Attorney General Bill Barr, says you shouldn’t be president again, calls you a consummate narcissist and troubled man. You recently called Barr a gutless pig.

Your second defense secretary is not supporting you, called you irresponsible. This week you called your White House chief of staff John Kelly weak and ineffective and born with a very small brain. You called your acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney a born loser. You called your first Secretary of State Rex Tillerson dumb as a rock and your first defense secretary James Mattis the world’s most overrated general. You called your White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany “milquetoast.”

And multiple times you have referred to your transportation secretary Elaine Chao as Mitch McConnell’s China-loving wife.

So why did you hire all of them in the first place?

A visibly frustrated Trump said the slate of names were in the minority.

“I hired 10 to 1 that were fantastic,” the former president said. “We had a great economy, we had phenomenal people in charge of the economy, we had phenomenal people in the military. I’m not a fan of Milley, I’m not a fan of the certain television people.”

“But don’t forget for every one you say, I had 10 who love us,” he added.

Trump went on to assert that he won the 2020 presidential election, repeating his unfounded and disproven allegations of voter fraud. Baier wasn’t having it.

“You lost the 2020 election,” the host said. “There were recounts in all the swing states. There was not significant widespread fraud. There were investigations of widespread corruption. There was not a sense of that. There were lawsuits — more than 50 of them — by your lawyers, some in front of judges you appointed that came out with no evidence.”


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