Dreaming of life on a remote island? Ireland might be the answer

Dreaming of life on a remote island? Ireland might be the answer

A cash grant for moving to a remote island in Ireland – but with conditions.

Chris Hill | CD | Getty Images

If you’ve ever dreamed of leaving it all behind and living on a remote island, now might be your chance. Ireland offers grants of up to €84,000 ($92,297) if you settle on one of the country’s coastal islands.

But there are strings attached to the deal, and factors that could deter people from taking action.According to the Irish, the islands are daily tidal cut off from the mainland and are not connected to the mainland by bridges or causeways government.

In its announcement, the government noted that around 300,000 tourists visit the islands every year policy outline – but hardly anyone lives there. Some islands have only two years of permanent residents, while the largest island has more than 700 people. In total, about 3,000 people live on about 30 islands.

Declining population levels – particularly a lack of young people – are a key concern, according to details of the plans released earlier this month. But its goal is not just to raise population levels.

Heather Humphreys, Ireland’s Rural and Community Development Minister, said: “‘Our Islands of Life’ comprises 80 actions aimed at supporting and empowering our island communities and the people who live there.”

“This is all about improving housing, better access to basic services in health and education, providing high-speed broadband, and further developing our outdoor facilities, which in turn will increase tourism and support sustainable island communities.”

Improving infrastructure and increasing employment opportunities, including remote working options, are also part of the 10-year plan, she added.

moving process

Moving to a remote island may not be for everyone due to poor infrastructure and being very lonely. Not everyone who takes action will be paid in full cash.

These grants are part of an existing program run by the government across the country. If you buy an existing vacant property on a remote island, you’ll get €60,000, which is only €10,000 more than buying on the mainland.

The maximum amount – 84,000 euros – will be given to those who choose to take over the abandoned property. Moving to such a property on the mainland can qualify for a grant of €70,000.

The grants are designed to help people renovate older properties that are at risk of decay – so the money can disappear quickly depending on the level of restoration required. And it must be used for this purpose, for example, by adding insulation.

The properties in question also need to have been built before 1993 and have been unoccupied for at least two years.The program officially launches on July 1, but will apply to Existing home buying apps.

Other countries have rolled out similar schemes.Last year, the Italian island of Sardinia offered €15,000 to people to move there if they wanted With this money to renovate properties, various towns in the country used to sell or give away houses for free for one euro.

Other Italian towns and regions have tried seductive Move there with low-cost accommodation and an annual stipend, like several towns in Spain and Switzerland.


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