Older Adults in Warmer Regions Have Higher Risk of Severe Vision Impairment: Study

Older Adults in Warmer Regions Have Higher Risk of Severe Vision Impairment: Study

Environmental factors such as ultraviolet radiation, air pollution, and occupational hazards can cause visual impairment and eye-related problems in older adults. Temperature is now an environmental factor associated with visual impairment, according to a recent study.

this study The study found that people living in counties with a temperature range of 50-54.99°F were 14% more likely to experience severe visual impairment, and counties with temperatures between 55-59.99°F were associated with a 24% increase in the odds. Counties with 60°F or higher increase people’s chances of severe vision impairment. The probability is 44%.

As part of the study, the researchers analyzed data from the American Community Survey, which included 1.7 million older adults, conducted between 2012 and 2017 to examine the association between temperature and visual impairment, using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration average temperature data.

Esme Fuller-Thomson, lead author of the study and director of the Institute of Life Course and Aging at the University of Toronto, said: “If future research establishes that this association is causal, the link between visual impairment and This link between county average temperatures is very concerning.” “With climate change, we expect global temperatures to rise. It will be important to monitor future increases in the prevalence of visual impairment among older adults.”

“We know that vision problems are a major cause of disability and functional limitations,” said co-author Zhidi Deng, a University of Toronto pharmacy graduate. “Severe visual impairment, for example, increases the risk of falls, fractures, and negatively affects the quality of life of older adults. Caring for visual impairment and its consequences also costs the U.S. economy tens of billions of dollars each year. Therefore, this link The relationship between temperature and visual impairment is very concerning.”

Although a strong association between average temperature and severe visual impairment has been observed, the exact mechanism behind this relationship has remained elusive. Further studies are needed to reveal the precise underlying mechanism.

“We were very surprised to find such a strong association between temperature and visual impairment,” Esme Fuller-Thomson said in a report. Press Releases. “But this new finding raises more questions than it answers, including the link between county average temperature and visual impairment. Going forward, we plan to investigate whether county temperature is also associated with other disabilities in older adults, such as hearing Problems and limitations in day-to-day activities.”

Published by Medicaldaily.com


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