Young hoopers need to hear Andre Drummond’s cautionary tale


Andre Drummond says he went from millions to lowest in league

Andre Drummond says he went from millions to lowest in league
photo: Matt Slocum (Associated Press)

In today’s sports media landscape, it’s rare to find a 100 percent authentic active player. Even when they’re telling the truth, it feels like they’re hiding a bit. Andre Drummond, however, was more authentic than he’s been lately when talking to a group of young basketball players. He talked about basketball and the importance of being a good teammate and not just yourself. He admits he’s the one pouting on the sidelines when things aren’t going his way.

“I’m going to tell you something. Drummond continued… Guys, I’m that guy. I’m a $100 million man. I pouted and was frustrated when I wasn’t playing. And I have a bad attitude. I went from $100 million to the lowest in the league (expletive). This is a personal story that I am sharing with you now. …They don’t care how many rebounds you get, how many three-pointers you make. They care about you as a person, are you a good teammate, are you a good locker room member? Are you someone they can rely on every night? I’m talking about consistency…”

This is the message every young ballerina in the country, age 12 and up, needs to hear. Drummond is revealing information about the children in attendance. It’s not always about you, and if you can’t be happy for your teammates when they succeed, then it will come back to haunt you. Booing you on the sidelines because the coach cut you doesn’t help the team. That’s the message Drummond is trying to convey to these young athletes.

Even if none of these kids make it to the NBA, this wisdom will help them for the rest of their lives if they choose to listen.Just a few years ago, Drummond was one of those coveted big shot In games, you rarely hear his name on NBA news these days. Several youngsters who have played for the Golden State Warriors over the past few years may also want to check out Drummond’s is recent traded away From the Bay Area and beyond allegedly wants to quit.

Of course, there will always be people who want to defy the system or choose not to listen when the OG tells them what will happen if they venture down a certain path. That’s exactly the audience for this type of message: people who don’t want to take the right action. Those who want to do what they want to do end up learning the hard way. Drummond told us exactly what he did, and now he realizes he could have handled things differently.

The four-time rebounding champion and two-time All-Star is now playing for the Chicago Bulls on his mentioned league minimum contract. He’s still in the NBA and earning a check, but once he hits the $100 million threshold, anything below that feels like a step backwards.


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