Wheelchair-Bound Woman In SMHS Transforms Adversity Into Artistic Mastery


SRINAGAR: Confronting the harsh realities of hunger and loneliness while living in a hospital, a wheelchair-bound woman has been transforming her adversity into artistic mastery.

Saima Noor, 38, tragically became separated from her parents in Bangalore during her childhood. However, she has become an inspiration for other differently-abled individuals by demonstrating how to live an independent life.

In an interview with local news agency KNO, Saima shared that she lost contact with her parents at the age of eight and was subsequently brought to the valley by a Kashmiri family from Bangalore. They cared for her as their own child, and she spent approximately 19 years with them. However, her health deteriorated due to rheumatoid arthritis, and she continued living with them for a few more years.

“They even took care of my treatment and covered the expenses of my operation, but unfortunately, there was no improvement. I became so weak that I couldn’t hold anything in my hand. I had to undergo hip replacement surgery as well. Eventually, I decided to part ways with them to avoid burdening them further,” Noor explained.

Saima revealed that she admitted herself to SMHS Hospital in Srinagar for treatment, where she faced panic attacks due to the constant noise. With the assistance of a woman from the Social Welfare Department and the intervention of the then DC Srinagar, the hospital authorities provided her with a room.

Currently living a wheelchair-bound life in SMHS, Saima confronts the harsh realities of hunger and loneliness while channeling her adversity into artistic mastery.

“I started painting in Ward 6 of the hospital as a way to divert my attention from the noise, loneliness, hunger, and other issues. I have created hundreds of paintings so far, and I have even sold a few to manage my expenses. Sometimes, friends also lend a helping hand,” she shared.

“There have been weeks when I haven’t eaten anything because nothing was available, but I believe I am still alive because of the people of Kashmir. If I had been living elsewhere, I might have been in the grave,” Saima expressed.

However, Saima refuses to surrender to despair and dependency. Instead, she embarked on a creative journey, utilising her artistic talents.

“One should never succumb to despair but should strive to work within their capabilities to remain independent,” she asserted. She also mentioned that she has been provided a space in Kashmir Haat Srinagar to sell her art pieces.

Saima’s message to other differently-abled individuals is that disability does not signify the end of life. She encourages them to be courageous, fight against all odds, and overcome challenges. “If one organ is not functioning, your brain is working, and that is sufficient to pursue your dreams and make them come true,” Saima concluded.-(KNO)


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