Yes, Hunter Biden got special FBI treatment: It’s now confirmed


Yet another career fed has cross-confirmed yet another hideous allegation about the Justice Department’s political interference in the Hunter Biden probe.

And has already gotten a threatening note from the FBI’s general counsel, warning him about disclosing information to congressional probers.

Rep. Jim Comer (R-Ky.) revealed Monday that a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the probe has confirmed the Secret Service and the Biden transition team got a tipoff that the feds were looking to talk to Hunter — backing up a claim from courageous IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.

The agents were even forbidden to ring Hunter’s doorbell, instead being instructed to wait for him to contact them — a kid-glove treatment literally no one else ever got, per the whistleblower. 

The favoritism ultimately prevented the FBI from speaking to Hunter at all. 

How exactly are investigators supposed to conduct a thorough and fair probe if they can’t even talk to their main subject?

Clearly, the tipoff was meant to protect Hunter by preventing him from revealing incriminating information — or having to lie to cover it up.

This is banana-republic stuff. 

DoJ is supposed to follow all leads, without fear and favor. 

But it humiliatingly bent over backward to shield then-President-elect Joe Biden from bad press and political repercussions by going to the mattresses for his ne’er-do-well son. 

The new revelation adds to the evidence of an ongoing effort by Team Biden, national Dems and their willing enablers in the media to sweep Biden family corruption under the rug.

And tar efforts of people like Shapley, Comer and Rep. Jim Jordan to get at the truth as a witch-hunt against their favorite discount-rack princeling. 

Because it just keeps happening. 

One brave soul comes forward to out the ugly facts about the Bidens. 

Congressional Dems then go into denial overdrive, and legacy media spin up the equivocation machine.

(Witness former chief White House flack and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki’s wacky suggestion to House Democrats’ designated liar Rep. Jamie Raskin on live TV that Comer has been compromised by a “foreign agent.”) 

Then another truth-teller backs up what the first one said, and Democrats and the left-leaning press go silent or throw out ludicrous conspiracy theories to discredit it.

All as the greased wheels of “justice” move Hunter (and the rest of the Bidens, including Joe) ever closer to skating for everything via a sweetheart plea deal set to be finalized in court next week. 

Comer & Co.’s continued fight on this front is beyond necessary: It’s not just smoke we’re seeing here but a full-on conflagration.


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