Victory for Nigel? Coutts bank boss apologizes to Farage over account closure – POLITICO


LONDON — Sorry we cancelled your account, Nigel.

That was the message from NatWest Group boss Alison Rose Thursday as she apologized for the un-banking of ex-Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage by high-end lender Coutts.

Rose, chief executive of the banking giant of which Coutts is a subsidiary, expressed regret after a row over whether the leading Brexiteer’s political views cost him his ability to bank with the institution.

“I am writing to apologise for the deeply inappropriate comments about yourself made in the now published papers prepared for the Wealth Committee,” Rose said in her apology letter to Farage.

“I believe very strongly that freedom of expression and access to banking are fundamental to our society and it is absolutely not our policy to exit a customer on the basis of legally held political and personal views,” she added.

Farage has been embroiled in a row with the institution after Coutts cancelled his account earlier this month.

Documents obtained by Farage show that a briefing presented to the bank’s “reputational risk committee” described him as having “xenophobic, chauvinistic and racist views,” citing his comments on Brexit, friendship with Donald Trump and more.

The apology came just moments after the U.K. government — which has offered Farage its backing — announced plans to force banks to “explain and delay” any decisions to close accounts.


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