GOP Candidate Will Hurd Hits Trump With 3 Brutal Descriptions In Latest Digs


Republican presidential candidate Will Hurd pinned former President Donald Trump as a “liar,” a “loser” and a “national security threat” to the country in his latest round of jabs directed at his GOP rival.

Hurd, in an interview with PBS’ “Firing Line” on Friday, went after the former president roughly two weeks after he declared that Trump was running for president to “stay out of prison.”

“Donald Trump is a liar, Donald Trump is a loser and Donald Trump is a national security threat to the United States of America and we need to be honest about that,” Hurd told host Margaret Hoover.

“And if we nominate him, if the GOP nominates him then we’re giving Joe Biden and Kamala Harris four more years.”

The former Texas congressman, earlier in the interview, told Hoover how he plans to “invigorate” moderate GOP voters who are demoralized by the former president’s grip on the party’s base.

Hurd, who called out fellow candidates afraid to talk Trump last month, described himself as an aversion to bullies since his childhood before detailing his plan to inspire voters through honesty.

“And the way you invigorate all those people that are frustrated and the way you inspire the independents and the center-left Dems who are sick and tired of the direction the Democratic Party is going is by being honest,” he said.

“And I was recently in Iowa and spoke at a group that had a lot of Donald Trump supporters and I had to break the news to ’em that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election.”

The PBS program later flashed back to Hurd’s “prison” swipes aimed at Trump, remarks that led the former president to sail into a rant on his Truth Social platform.

Hurd noted that some folks in the booing and jeering crowd weren’t happy with him “being honest.”

“But guess what, it had to be said,” Hurd noted.

He added: “Because if we can’t have these honest debates within the Republican Party, then we’re not going to be able to ensure that this trend that has been happening for the last 20 years – where a Republican has lost the national vote – for 20 years, that shouldn’t be the case and it’s going to require us to be honest and look at ourselves.”


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