The Threat of Transgenderism in Women’s Sports: Swing Voters Oppose Dysphoric Men Participation


A recent Economist/YouGov poll has shown that swing voters in America are aligning with Republican voters on transgender issues. The poll has given GOP politicians a powerful campaign issue for the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

The poll found that 54% of swing voters oppose dysphoric men participating in women’s sports. This number is significant as it indicates that swing voters share a similar stance on transgender issues with Republicans. In contrast, only 14% of respondents strongly supported the Democrat Party’s push to end single-sex sports.

The poll also found that Republican voters are strongly opposed to the end of single-sex sports, with 72% of them strongly opposing the idea. In contrast, only 25% of Democrat voters strongly support allowing males to play in women’s sports.

The poll is significant as it reveals that transgender issues involving children and women’s sports are more important to Republicans and swing voters than they are to Democrats. The poll indicates that the percentages of Democrat voters were more divided than Republican and swing voters in their stance on transgender issues.

The poll also showed that swing voters and Republicans are in agreement that K-12 schools should inform parents if their child requests to go by different pronouns while at school. 58% of Republicans strongly support this idea, with 38% of swing voters saying they strongly support it as well. In contrast, only 23% of Democrats strongly support the idea.

Another question in the poll asked respondents if they support or oppose “schools banning books with stories about transgender youth.” The wording of this question was bizarre, and it referred to removing transgender propaganda from schools as “book banning.” Despite the wording of the question, 50% of Republicans said they strongly support removing transgender propaganda in schools. Additionally, 25% of swing voters agreed with this idea, while only 16% of Democrats strongly supported it.

The poll also asked respondents if they support or oppose parents allowing their children who believe they are the opposite sex to take puberty-blocking drugs. 64% of Republicans strongly oppose it, with 37% of swing voters concurring. Only 17% of Democrats said they strongly oppose it. The question was worded strangely, asking respondents if they support or oppose “allowing parents to provide their transgender children or teenagers with puberty-blocking drugs, which can temporarily prevent the effects of puberty that may not align with their gender identity.”

It is worth noting that the poll did not ask any straightforward core questions such as “Can someone change their sex?” “Are puberty-blocking drugs risky?” or “Should the government enforce transgender preferences?”


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