Last-minute preparations for Hilary focus on the vulnerable


With Tropical Storm Hilary bearing down Sunday on Southern California, officials are trying to protect vulnerable populations and make sure people are prepared for flash flooding and other impacts.

Marilyn Jiménez Dávila of the American Red Cross said the organization is encouraging Angelenos to focus on storm preparedness, including building or updating an emergency kit, charging all devices and backup batteries, and making a plan for getting information on the storm as it progresses.

She recommended that households find a radio, in case cell service goes out during the storm. Rather than rely on candles if the power goes out, she said, try to buy flashlights and batteries.

“We have one disaster going on, and we don’t want to start a fire,” she said. “We want to prevent any other type of disaster.” The Red Cross is prepared to open shelters if officials request them, she said.

The group’s warehouses are stocked with cots, blankets, hygiene kits and cleaning products, she said, and can be deployed when needed. The group has already identified possible locations for shelters, she said, and they “can open within hours.”

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies have been patrolling the San Gabriel River since Thursday warning those camped there of the impending storm and offering shelter.

Capt. Geoffrey Deedrick, commander of the sheriff’s community partnerships bureau, said helicopters were broadcasting public service announcements and members of the Homeless Outreach Service teams were working with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority to talk to people in the riverbed.

“We’re encountering a lot of people who have no idea something is coming,” Deedrick said. He said deputies were encouraging them to leave the river and offering to take them to shelters where they could receive services.

The Sheriff’s Department was also working with the U.S. Army Corps of engineers to Ensure that people camped below a dam on the river are out of danger if it becomes necessary to release water.

Hope the Mission said Sunday it is opening three shelters in the San Fernando Valley.

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria urged residents to prepare as much as they can before the storm arrives. He called on people to charge their electronic devices by this evening and have flashlights ready to use, as the city was expected to experience power outages.

“We have been told the storm is moving faster than yesterday and we’ll have rains tonight,” he said.

He said there will be sustained high winds of up to 50 miles per hour and enough rain to flood low-lying areas like Mission Valley and Tijuana River Valley. He asked residents to avoid traveling Monday and to stay away from areas that are known to flood.

At least 192 additional shelter beds are available for people staying outdoors starting tonight and until the storm passes.

Gloria said city crews and first responders are ready to respond to emergency calls. He said state officials are also watching and monitoring the storm and its impact on Southern California.

Chris Heiser, executive director for the City of San Diego Office of Emergency Services, said heavy rain and high winds will arrive tonight as the storm passes.

He said gusts at 70 mph are expected in the mountains. High surf was forecast on the coast as well.

“I need to emphasize this is a large storm with a huge footprint,” he said. “It will come and it will have the impact that’s projected.”


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