Fatal Shooting Occurs as Storeowner Is Killed Amidst LGBTQ+ Pride Flag Dispute, authorities report


A deadly act of violence unfolded in Cedar Glen, Calif., over the weekend, stemming from a dispute involving an LGBTQ+ pride flag at a clothing store. The 66-year-old business owner, Laura Ann Carleton, was shot and killed right in front of her shop, Mag.Pi, on Friday night. After the shooting, the perpetrator fled the scene but was later confronted and killed by officers from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.

The tragic incident took place in the small community of Cedar Glen, located in the San Bernardino Mountains, approximately 60 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. Carleton, who preferred to be called “Lauri,” owned and operated the store. She leaves behind her husband and nine children in a blended family.

According to sheriff’s officials, the man responsible for the shooting had made derogatory remarks about the rainbow flag displayed outside the store before the incident occurred. The identity of the shooter has not been released as of Sunday.

While Carleton did not identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, she was known for her willingness to support and advocate for everyone. On the night of the shooting, she was defending her Pride flags that were placed in front of her shop. A nearby LGBTQ group in Lake Arrowhead acknowledged Carleton’s efforts, expressing their gratitude for her assistance and stating that she was not only defending her own pride but the pride of others as well.

The news of Carleton’s tragic death struck a chord on social media, with an outpouring of support and messages of shock and sadness flooding the store’s accounts. Numerous commenters included rainbow flag emojis to show their solidarity.

The shooting was condemned by San Bernardino County Supervisor Dawn Rowe, who described it as a “senseless act of hate and violence.” Rowe extended her condolences to Carleton’s family and emphasized the importance of living free from discrimination and the right to freedom of speech.

In recent years, law enforcement agencies in several states have investigated incidents involving the destruction of rainbow Pride flags as potential hate crimes. This tragic act in Cedar Glen serves as a painful reminder of the ongoing need for acceptance, understanding, and tolerance in society.

As the community mourns the loss of Laura Ann Carleton, her memory serves as a testament to the values of compassion and equality. The investigation into the incident continues, and the motive behind the shooting remains under scrutiny.


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