Video Shows Steph Curry Bulking Up For The Next NBA Season



Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry has been one of the most dominant NBA players for years now.

And while people talk about his genes because of his father’s time in the league and how he may have had an easier path to the NBA because of that, his work ethic is second to none.

Curry’s workouts are so insane and intense that there have been multiple reports of actual NBA players tapping out and throwing up after failing to keep up with him.

His preparation, drills, and the way he works on his craft are just remarkable, and judging by the clip shared by @CarlPerformance, he might be in midseason form already (via TheWarriorsTalk).

Curry is by no means the most athletic guy in the league, and he’s not even the most jacked guy out there.

But he’s always been in top shape, and that’s the only way he can handle staying on the court for that many minutes, especially considering how much he moves off the ball.

He always endures a beating while moving across screens, and players need to be extra physical with him, so he needs to be strong if he wants to finish through contact.

The Warriors won’t stand a chance to compete at the highest level without their best player on the court, even if they added Chris Paul in the offseason.

So, he can’t afford to take a day off, as he knows his team is counting on him to get the job done and go back to the biggest stage.

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